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Donald J. Trump White House 2nd Term
Dedicated to Donald J. Trump's (aka Don the Con) 2nd time in the White House the ups, the downs, the corruption, the chaos, the destruction, the devastation and the hatred created by Donald J. Trump. In his 1st Donald J. Trump corrupted the White House, the DOJ, the state department and other government departments and agencies to protect and defend Donald J. Trump. How bad will it be in his 2nd term? Instead of putting America first Donald J. Trump and his cronies are  putting Donald J. Trump first. Any government employee including Donald J. Trump who puts Donald J. Trump before America and the constitution is not patriot. The oaths they have taking are to America and the constitution not to any individual. Any government employee including Donald J. Trump who puts Donald J. Trump above America and the constitution is neither protecting nor defending America nor the constitution. Moreover, they have broken the oath they have sworn to America and the constitution. The Donald J. Trump Administration will go down again as one of the worse, most corrupt, comprised and dishonest administration in American history.

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Some of Donald J. Trump's Twitter Hashtags: A Small list of Donald J. Trump’s more infamous twitter hashtags #Trump, #TrumpTraitor, #TrumpIsATraitor, #TraitorTrump, #RemoveTrump, #TrumpIsAMole, #TrumpRussia, #TrumpRussianAsset, #TrumpPutin, #TrumpPutinsPunk, #DonTheCon, #LockHimUp, #TrumpFullofBs
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