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US Monthly Headline News June 2024 - Page 1

Story by Josephine Walker

Shortly after Supreme Court Justice John Roberts ruled in favor of giving Donald Trump immunity for crimes committed in an official capacity, an old clip resurfaced online of him saying during his 2005 Senate confirmation that the president is “fully bound” by the law and the Constitution. At the time, Roberts affirmed that not even the president is “above the law under our system.” The clip appears to contradict Monday’s 6-3 Supreme Court decision that Trump has immunity from some criminal prosecution for his role in attempting to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Social media users were quick to call out the justice’s hypocrisy, with some asking if the Supreme Court itself is bound by the law. Trump’s legal team quickly seized on Roberts’ conflicting ruling, scoring a win when Manhattan prosecutors agreed to delay his sentencing in his case related to paying hush-money to adult video star Stormy Daniels until a different court can determine what is and isn’t an action committed in an official capacity.

Opinion by Atlanta Black Star News

A news article from more than three decades ago resurfaced on social media this week, igniting a firestorm due to incendiary comments by Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

At the heart of the controversy are Ginni Thomas’s comments to The Washington Post in 1991 concerning hot-button issues such as abortion and affirmative action, which critics argued at the time would likely come to influence Clarence Thomas’ judicial opinions over time.

The 33-year-old article, with the headline “The Nominee’s Soul Mate,” reveals Ginni Thomas discussing her staunch conservative views at length, prompting renewed scrutiny many decades later, with growing calls for transparency regarding her ongoing involvement in her husband’s work.

But that’s not all.

Fresh allegations of racism also resurfaced from the era, with many social media users voicing outrage over insensitive remarks in the same article by Ginni Thomas’ relatives, who said they were shocked in 1987 when Ginni told them she was planning to marry a Black man.

“I can guarantee you I was surprised when I found out she was going with a Black man,” Ginni Thomas’s uncle Ralph Knop said from his Iowa farm house, according to the Post. “It was unusual for us.”

Story by Oliver O'Connell

Giving his customary shout-outs to lawmakers in attendance at an event in Washington, DC on Saturday, Donald Trump gave a somewhat confused version of a story involving one of his allies in Congress.

Speaking at the Faith and Freedom Coalition-organized “Road to Majority” conference at the Washington Hilton on Saturday (June 22), the former president was ostensibly there to tout his supposed Christian credentials to the audience.

This included his role in overturning Roe v Wade through the nomination of three conservative Supreme Court justices and his support for the recent legislation in Louisiana that requires public schools to post a copy of the Ten Commandments in every classroom.

As he made his introductory remarks thanking those in attendance for their support he specifically named one Republican lawmaker and then appeared to confuse key details of a story about him.
“Thanks also to Congressman — he’s fantastic — Barry Loudermilk is here someplace… Is here someplace. he’s doing a fantastic job with all of the things they said he walked through with Russian spies or something,” said Trump.

“It turned out to be constituents — young children. These people are sick people.”

Story by Matt Friedman

One of America’s most deeply entrenched political machines is finally coming apart.

New Jersey political insiders struggled to come up with big enough words Monday morning morning to describe what they were hearing: The state attorney general was about to indict South Jersey Democratic power broker George Norcross, one of the most formidable and fearsome operators in state history, on corruption charges.

“Earthquake,” one told POLITICO. “Atomic bomb,” said another.

Norcross ruled much of New Jersey for decades and, at his peak, wielded power rivaling governors — shaping elections, legislation and the political careers of Democrats across the state.

His indictment is just the latest in a series of political shockwaves that have struck New Jersey over the past year. Sen. Bob Menendez, another powerful political boss held in awe by lower-level political players, is in the middle of a corruption trial. And that comes just months after a federal judge struck down the “county line” — a tool long used by New Jersey’s political machines to suppress intra-party challengers — for the 2024 Democratic primary.

New Jersey’s notoriously boss-driven political system has never been imperiled like this before, at least not in living memory. And now, a crop of younger New Jersey Democrats are ready to dance on its grave.

Fox News, Sinclair Broadcast Group and other Right wing news will not cover Trump’s memory issues

Author Ramin Setoodeh joins Morning Joe to discuss the new book 'Apprentice in Wonderland: How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America Through the Looking Glass'.

Story by Georgia Mckoy

Faithful America, a Christian group championing social justice, has started a petition urging Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to step down.    

They're concerned that his recent actions and comments compromise his impartiality, arguing that these missteps clash with the high ethical standards expected from someone in his position.  

Alito's Controversial Remarks Captured
A secret recording has surfaced, catching Justice Alito voicing that the U.S. should return "to a place of godliness."      

Captured by filmmaker Lauren Windsor at a dinner event, these remarks have sparked a heated debate about whether his personal views might unduly influence his judicial duties.

Surge in Support for the Petition
The drive for signatures on Faithful America's petition is nearing its 15,000 mark rapidly, a testament to growing public discontent.

This swell of support illustrates the community's serious concerns over Justice Alito's recent controversies, pushing for his consideration to resign.

Story by Ben Blanchet

CEOs seemingly weren’t too pleased with former President Donald Trump’s performance during their private meeting with him in Washington this week, according to a report by CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin on Friday.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee addressed top business leaders and spoke of his hopes to further cut the corporate tax rate in a meeting that featured Walmart CEO Doug McMillon, Apple CEO Tim Cook and JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.

A number of CEOs walked into the meeting being “Trump supporter-ish” or leaning toward backing him in November before walking out and finding him to be “remarkably meandering,” according to Sorkin, who recalled speaking with business leaders who attended the meeting on Thursday.

″[He] could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map and, it was maybe not surprising, but was interesting to me ’cause these were people who I think might’ve been actually predisposed to him and actually walked out of the room less predisposed to him, actually,” said Sorkin on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

One CEO told CNBC that the former president didn’t outline how he hopes to achieve his policy proposals while at least two people in the meeting described Trump’s energy as being subdued.

Story by Darragh Roche

Former President Donald Trump's idea of imposing tariffs in order to abolish income tax could raise taxes for a typical American family by $5,000, according to an economist from the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

Brendan Duke made the claim in posts on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday following reports that Trump had raised the idea of using tariffs to replace income tax revenues. Duke served as senior policy adviser at the White House National Economic Council and a volunteer on the Biden-Harris transition team.

The former president reportedly floated introducing an "all-tariff policy" that would allow the federal government to eliminate income tax during a private meeting with Republican lawmakers at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.

Trump has long advocated using tariffs as a foreign policy tool, but several economists were quick to question the viability of replacing income tax with an all-tariff approach.

Story by Antonio Pequeño IV, Forbes Staff

A Senate Judiciary Committee ethics investigation found Thursday that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas failed to disclose three private jet trips provided by GOP megadonor Harlan Crow—the latest scrutiny of Thomas after he recently amended a financial disclosure to include previously undisclosed vacations gifted to him by Crow.

Key Facts
The findings announced by the committee Thursday were collected through a subpoena for information from Crow and revealed Clarence did not disclose three domestic private jet trips from Crow between 2017 and 2021.

Subpoenaed documents also showed further private jet travel and an eight-day yacht excursion Thomas did not disclose in his 2019 financial disclosure amendment last week.

By Holly Honderich, BBC News, Washington

The US Supreme Court has unanimously rejected an effort to restrict access to the abortion pill mifepristone.

The decision, which came two years after the court rescinded the nationwide guarantee to an abortion, was welcomed by pro-choice activists.

The justices decided the plaintiffs, a group of anti-abortion doctors and activists, did not have a legal right to sue.

But they left the door open to other attempts to limit the availability of the drug.

Mifepristone is one of two drugs used in a medication abortion, now the most common method of terminating pregnancies in the US.

The plaintiffs, known as the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, had argued that approval for the drug from US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should be withdrawn.

But during arguments on the case in March, several of the court's nine justices sounded sceptical that any of the plaintiffs had suffered harm from the availability of mifepristone - which is necessary to have the legal standing to sue.

It not just Fox News,  Sinclair Broadcast Group and other Right wing news is not news but right wing propaganda. Has your local news been hijacked by the right wing?

David Gilmour

Local news channels across the country used a nearly identical script to push coverage of a controversial Wall Street Journal article questioning President Joe Biden’s mental fitness.

An eerie supercut compiled by Popular Information shows how anchors on dozens of channels owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group parroted the story in an apparently coordinated fashion. Each segment deferred to national correspondent Matthew Galka’s comment that Biden’s questionable mental acuity could be an “election decider.”

However, the Wall Street Journal story is reported without highlighting the concerns raised about the article by prominent media critics, who attacked the piece for its lack of balance in sourcing. The article in question, titled Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping, was published on June 4 and based its claims on “interviews with more than 45 people.”

The conservative media chain's stations feasted on a Wall Street Journal report about Joe Biden's age with the same script.
By Ron Dicker

A supercut posted online Tuesday shows TV news reporters at Sinclair Broadcast Group stations spouting the same script in a takedown of Joe Biden. (Watch the video below.)

Sinclair jumped all over a widely questioned Wall Street Journal report that relied heavily on anonymous sources to assert that the 81-year-old president was experiencing cognitive decline. A prominent voice identified in the article, titled “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping,” was former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who reportedly had raved privately about Biden’s sharpness in the past.

Perhaps seeing the Journal article as a potential blow to the Democratic incumbent, Sinclair appeared to arrange a monotonously similar intro for many of its stations affiliated with major networks.

Story by Devlin Barrett, Marianna Sotomayor

The Republican-controlled House voted Wednesday to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress — a politically charged broadside against the Biden administration that comes a day after Garland’s Justice Department won a conviction against Biden’s son Hunter on felony gun charges.

The vote, which passed with an initial tally of 216-207, marks the third time in a dozen years that a sitting attorney general was found in contempt by a majority of House members — an indicator of the rising partisanship in Washington, and how that partisanship has increasingly been aimed at the nation’s top law enforcement officials.

Wednesday’s vote is largely symbolic, in that it urges federal prosecutors to investigate and file criminal charges against the attorney general, but that is extremely unlikely to happen, given the Justice Department’s past practice and legal analysis.

In the run-up to the vote, Garland had vowed not to be intimidated by the threat of contempt.

by Ella Lee

A jury panel of 12 Delaware residents on Tuesday found Hunter Biden guilty of three federal gun charges, marking the first criminal conviction of a sitting president’s child.

President Biden’s son was convicted after roughly three hours of deliberation of three felony counts alleging he lied about his use of illicit drugs when obtaining a gun in 2018, and then unlawfully possessed the firearm for 11 days.  

Hunter Biden’s trial which lasted just over a week, spotlighted his addiction to crack cocaine at the time he checked “no” on a federal gun purchase form questioning whether he unlawfully used or was addicted to narcotics or other drugs.

Several women from Hunter Biden’s past and present – including his ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle; his late brother’s widow, Hallie Biden, with whom he had a brief relationship; and an ex-girlfriend – took the stand to testify about his drug use.

Is Donald Trump OK? During an interview with Sean Hannity, which aired on Wednesday, June 5, the ex-president, 77, sparked health concerns.

"Trump gets lost and confused during his interview. Trump: 'I say a lot of things.' Hannity: 'Stay focused for just a second,'" one person captioned the clip on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Opinion by Mandy Taheri

Thousands of people recently signed a petition from Faithful America that urged Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Department of Education (DOE) to stop the "hijacking of Jesus's name" with their civics course in public schools within the state.

In its petition from last Wednesday, Faithful America, an organization of Christians supporting social justice causes while opposing "Christian nationalism," accused Florida of "bribing public school teachers to indoctrinate students in the tenets of Christian nationalism" by offering a civics course that the organization believes "wrongly assert the Ten Commandments form the basis for U.S. law."

The petition, which was addressed to DeSantis and Florida Commissioner of Education Manny Díaz Jr., says that the civics program "erroneously and outrageously claims that the United States was founded as a Christian nation, teaches demonstrable falsehoods about the separation of church and state, brings the Bible into public classrooms, and confers on those who complete it a 'Civics Seal of Excellence.'"

As of Sunday afternoon, the petition had received nearly 13,500 signatures, with a goal of 15,000.

Analysis by Zachary B. Wolf, CNN

CNN  - The way American campaigns are financed can be impenetrable even to people who pay close attention to politics.

Campaigns can only get so much money directly from donors. More money flows to organizations that can’t technically coordinate with campaigns but sure seem to come close. Separate organizations can also try to influence elections by pushing for issues, but they sure seem to try to benefit candidates.

Add into that complicated mess the fact that former President Donald Trump has been paying his copious legal bills through the campaign finance system.

To better understand what we know about how and by whom campaigns are being funded in 2024, I went to Fredreka Schouten, who covers this complicated issue for CNN. Our conversation, conducted by email, is below.

By Jordain Carney and Kyle Cheney

As then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi fled the Capitol after it was overrun by pro-Trump rioters on Jan. 6, 2021, she grilled her top staffer on a key question: Where was the National Guard?

“You're going to ask me — in the middle of the thing when they’ve already breached the inaugural stuff — ‘should we call … the National Guard?’” Pelosi asked her chief of staff Terri McCullough incredulously while they rode in an SUV that would take them to Fort McNair. “Why weren’t the National Guard there to begin with?”

The interaction was shown in a video shot by the former speaker’s daughter, documentarian Alexandra Pelosi, and recently provided to congressional investigators by HBO upon a request by Republicans pushing to undermine the findings of the previous Jan. 6 select committee. The roughly 45 minutes of footage, reviewed by POLITICO, captures extensive conversations among congressional leaders as they struggled to comprehend their rushed evacuation from the Capitol and deal with the immediate fallout.

Though clips of the speaker’s conversations that day were shown as part of the previous panel's work, and in a separate documentary by Alexandra Pelosi, much of what was handed over recently to a House Administration subcommittee has never been released. HBO didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

Story by Rey Harris

Washington DC - The former neighbor at the center of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito's flag scandal claims the politician's story doesn't add up.

On Wednesday, Emily Baden, Alito's former neighbor, sat down for an interview with CNN, where she addressed Alito's claim that his wife hoisted an upside-down American flag at his Virginia home in response to an ongoing "very nasty neighborhood dispute" regarding controversial lawn signs.

"At best, he's mistaken, but at worst, he's just outright lying," Baden explained. "Even if it were a valid excuse that they were having a dispute with a neighbor and that made them put the flag up, that timeline just disproves it.

"It just doesn't make sense," she added.

In recent weeks, Alito has been playing defense after a story from The New York Times revealed photos from January 2021 of the upside-down flag, which has become a symbol for Donald Trump supporters and was often displayed in the weeks following the January 6 Capitol riots that same year.

Story by Ross A. Lincoln

Washington Post Publisher and CEO Will Lewis isn't denying that he offered NPR's David Folkenflik a quid pro quo arrangement to kill a story on his connection to the UK phone hacking scandal. Instead, he has claimed their conversation was "off the record" and insulted Folkenflik as "an activist, not a journalist."

"I had an off the record conversation with him before I joined you at The Post and some six months later he has dusted it down, and made up some excuse to make a story of a non-story," Lewis said in a statement given to the the Washington Post that also included his pejorative description of Folkenflik.

It's the latest development in a growing scandal over the executive's alleged efforts to interfere with news reporting that paints him in a bad light, which began after the sudden departure of Washington Post executive editor Sally Buzbee.

Lewis announced Buzbee's resignation on Sunday but offered no explanation for it. Lewis announced at the same time that his former Wall Street Journal colleague Matt Murry would replace her.

Story by Josh Meyer, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON − Before Donald Trump was the first former president and presumptive major party nominee to be convicted of a crime, he argued that a candidate who faced possible indictment shouldn’t be allowed to run for president.

The year was 2016 and Trump, then the Republican nominee, was trying to capitalize on a Department of Justice investigation of his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton. If Clinton were charged criminally and became president, he warned, it would “create an unprecedented constitutional crisis" and "grind government to a halt."

“Folks, folks, folks, she shouldn't be allowed to run. Okay?” Trump told one raucous crowd of rallygoers at a Nov. 5, 2016 speech in Reno, Nevada, pausing for emphasis on each word. He made similar comments at other rallies, including the day before in Concord, N.C.

Trump is now campaigning for president after losing one criminal case and still facing three others. A Manhattan jury unanimously convicted Trump last Thursday of 34 counts of falsifying business records by disguising as legal expenses reimbursements to his lawyer Michael Cohen for a $130,000 hush money payment to porn actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 presidential election.

But Trump has shown no signs of dropping out, issuing defiant statements and bragging that his fundraising spiked in the wake of his conviction.

Convicted felon and former president Donald Trump lied about using the phrase, "Lock her up."

The chant rattled into the public consciousness in 2016 during the Republican National Convention, where it was largely aimed at then-nominee Hillary Clinton over her private server emails (she has been cleared by the State Department and twice by the FBI).

Initially, Trump said that he "didn't like the phrase" and tried to distance himself from it. However, on Jul. 29, 2016 (mere days later), he said, “I’ve been saying let’s just beat her on November 8th. But you know what, I’m starting to agree with you."

Of course, the phrase is coming back into the minds of some after Trump was found guilty last week of 34 felony charges of falsifying business documents. It is possible that Trump will go to prison, though, as the first former president to have a felony conviction, this is an unprecedented moment.

Story by Kelby Vera

Donald Trump says he never called for Hillary Clinton to be arrested, tried and jailed, despite publicly pleading to “lock her up” multiple times over the years.

During an interview on “Fox and Friends” Weekend Edition on Sunday, the former president acted like he had nothing to do with the calls to imprison Clinton ― calls that were so common during his 2016 run for the Oval Office.

“You famously said, regarding Hillary Clinton, ‘Lock her up.’ You declined to do that as president,” Fox News co-host Will Cain said in an attempt to paint Trump as merciful.

Having been found guilty on 34 felony counts by a jury of his peers himself last Thursday, Trump brazenly lied about chants aimed at his one-time political rival.

“I beat her,” Trump said. “It’s easier when you win. They always said, ‘Lock her up.’ And I could have done it, but I felt it would have been a terrible thing.”

“And then this happened to me, so I may feel differently about it,” he went on. “I can’t tell you, I’m not sure I can answer the question.”

The superintendent for the Southborough, Massachusetts, school district near Boston apologized and took responsibility.
By Dennis Romero

A Boston-area fifth grade teacher who held a mock slave auction and used a racial epithet during instruction has been placed on paid leave, the local school superintendent said.

Gregory L. Martineau, superintendent of the Public Schools of Northborough and Southborough, wrote a letter to parents on Wednesday that detailed the incidents and expressed his apology.

The teacher at Margaret A. Neary Elementary School in Southborough, Massachusetts, about 30 miles west of Boston, held a mock slave auction in January as part of a history lesson on the economy of the Southern colonies, Martineau said.

As part of the impromptu auction, the educator made examples of two children of color who were at the front of the room, discussing attributes such as teeth and strength, the superintendent said.

Martineau said such instructional methods are unacceptable, as they can traumatize Black students and trivialize the horrors of slavery.

Ali Velshi

In the aftermath of his criminal conviction, Donald Trump has ramped up his attacks on the judge, the jurors, and others, in addition to peddling strange new theories about who is to blame. Molly Jong Fast and Jennifer Rubin join Ali Velshi to discuss Trump’s “unhinged” attacks and efforts to spin the narrative surrounding the conviction. “He didn’t sound this nuts, he didn't sound this disjointed, 5 years ago, 10 years ago, or even last year,” Rubin says. “He is mentally and emotionally unwinding."

Ron Elving

Former President Donald Trump stood in the lobby of Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan Friday morning looking somehow ill at ease in his own building.

He wore his signature suit, shirt and tie and stood alone at a lectern with five American flags and a cold stone wall behind him. Gone was the usual human backdrop of flag-waving supporters seen at MAGA rallies. He stood alone, without script or teleprompter, armed only with two sheets of paper and a look of barely controlled rage.

It was billed as a press conference to respond to the jury verdict that had convicted him on 34 charges the day before. But it was more a speech than a press conference. A contingent of reporters with cameras stood a few yards away, but Trump spoke without interruption and took no questions.

The "lock her up" chants about Hillary Clinton were ubiquitous at Trump's rallies, and the former president joined in
Peter Wade

In an interview on Fox & Friends, filmed 48 hours after he was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records, Donald Trump attempted to re-write history. Now that he is facing legal consequences for paying hush money to adult film actress Stormy Daniels, the former president is denying he ever said, “Lock her up,” about Hillary Clinton, his 2016 opponent.

“You famously said regarding Hillary Clinton, ‘Lock her up.’ You declined to do that as president,” said Fox host Will Cain, implying that the president has control over who is prosecuted.

“I beat her,” Trump replied. “It’s easier when you win. They always said, ‘Lock her up.’ And I could have done it, but I felt it would have been a terrible thing. And then this happened to me, so I may feel differently about it. I can’t tell you, I’m not sure I can answer the question,” Trump hemmed and hawed.

He continued, “Hillary Clinton — I didn’t say, ‘Lock her up,’ but the people would all say, ‘Lock her up, lock her up.’ OK. Then we won, and I said pretty openly, I’d say, ‘Alright, come on, just relax. Let’s go. We gotta make our country great.'”

That is, of course, a lie. Trump not only beamed and nodded from the podium as his rally crowds chanted, “Lock her up,” he also said it himself, multiple times. He said it on Oct. 14, 2016, at a rally in Greensboro, N.C. As the crowd chanted the line, Trump said, “For what she’s done, they should lock her up.”

By Kaia Hubbard

Washington — Former President Donald Trump has joined TikTok, posting for the first time Saturday on the widely popular video-sharing app controlled by a Chinese parent company that he once tried to ban in the U.S.

"It's my honor," Trump said in the video, which features Ultimate Fighting Championship CEO Dana White, who declared that "the president is now on TikTok."

The video, which had garnered more than 2 million likes by Sunday afternoon, features clips from Trump's attendance at the UFC match in Newark, New Jersey, on Saturday, where he was greeted by supporters after being convicted in the New York "hush money" trial on all 34 felony counts days earlier.

By Kabir Khanna, Anthony Salvanto, Fred Backus, Jennifer De Pinto

Views about former President Donald Trump's New York criminal trial after the verdict look much like they did before it took place.

Just over half the country thought Trump was guilty before the verdict, and now just over half think the jury reached the right verdict and that the trial was fair.

Republicans remain overwhelmingly of the belief that Trump was treated unfairly. Echoing the former president's sentiments, those who say the verdict was wrong call the jury biased, say the evidence was insufficient and the charges politically motivated.

And in another marker of the nation's partisan divisions, half the country thinks Trump is unfit to be president now that he's been convicted of a crime.

In all, we recontacted the Americans we interviewed before the verdict was reached, and hearing the jury's decision hasn't changed a lot of their minds.

Authorities continue to identity Herb Baumeister's victims nearly 30 years after his arrest
Chris Eberhart By Chris Eberhart Fox News

An Indiana serial killer's property was littered with 10,000 "burnt and crushed" skeletal remains that kept many of his victims faceless for decades.

Herb Baumeister, a successful businessman who was a married father with three children, is believed to have killed at least 25 victims from the late 1980s to the early 1990s.

He hunted mostly gay men in the Indianapolis suburb of Westfield, Indiana, where he lived on an 18-acre property known as Fox Hollow Farm.

Four decades later, authorities are still uncovering secrets buried under the vast property. Jeffrey A. Jones, who was reported missing in 1993, became the latest victim identified by the Hamilton County Coroner's Office.


ATLANTA (AP) — Water pressure was returning to downtown Atlanta and nearby neighborhoods on Sunday after a two-day water outage shut down businesses and left faucets dry at many homes.

A large swath of the city remained under an order to boil water before drinking it, but Mayor Andre Dickens said in a late Saturday news conference that one of the two major water main breaks affecting the city had been repaired.

“I know it’s been a tough and frustrating day for many of you, but I’m glad to have some positive news to report tonight,” Dickens said.

The first-term Democratic mayor, who faces reelection in 2025, was again apologetic, even as residents continued to savage the city’s response. Among the critics: Megan Thee Stallion, whose Friday and Saturday night shows at downtown’s State Farm Arena were canceled.

“Call the mayor! All day they’ve been telling us we can perform,” the rapper said in a video she posted Saturday.

Six years ago, Hallie Biden threw out a gun that prosecutors say Hunter Biden bought improperly. His trial starts Monday.
By Matt Viser

Hallie Biden awoke on an October morning in 2018 after Hunter Biden, the brother of her deceased husband Beau, had spent the night. While he slept, she dropped her two kids off at school and then returned to rummage through the truck he had parked outside, anxious as to what the admitted drug addict might be hiding.

When she found a newly purchased Colt Cobra .38 handgun, she was hit by a wave of anger and fear. She put the gun in a shopping bag and drove a few miles to a high-end grocery store, where she tossed it in a trash can. That set off a chain of events that would trigger a flurry of frantic text messages, launch another dark chapter in a doomed and difficult romance — and lead to Hunter Biden’s federal trial beginning Monday.

When Hallie told Hunter, whose father at the time was contemplating a run for the presidency, how she had disposed of the gun, he erupted. “Are you insane,” he texted furiously, according to documents submitted by prosecutors. “Tell me now. this is no game. And you’re being totally irresponsible and unhinged.”

By Joshua Berlinger, CNN

Caen, France CNN — At 99 years old, Jack Foy is considered the youngster among his group of friends that fought in World War II.

But their advanced age isn’t going to stop them from making the transatlantic journey to honor their fallen comrades on the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

On June 6, Foy – a survivor of the Battle of the Bulge – and his fellow American veterans will join dignitaries and heads of state from around the world to commemorate the approximately 160,000 Allied troops who, eight decades ago, carried out the largest seaborne invasion in human history.

Foy told CNN that he has been to several memorials in France since 2014. The emotional resonance of each trip grows stronger year after year, he said, because these veterans know each trip could be their last.

“We realize we’re getting to the end of our time,” Foy said.

They are not alone.

With major commemorations held every five years, organizers and government officials concede that this year’s event could be the last to involve living veterans, whose stories of the horrors of war have become particularly poignant given that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has brought a large-scale ground war back to Europe for the first time since 1945.

No arrests have been made

The Akron Police Department is investigating an overnight shooting that left 25 people injured by gunfire, including a 27-year-old man who is dead.

Akron Mayor Shammas Malik and Akron Police Chief Brian Harding issued the following joint statement about the shooting on Sunday morning:

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