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Fox News, Sinclair Broadcast Group and other Right-Wing Media: Fake News, Lies, Alternative Facts, Propaganda and Conspiracy Theories
Fox News (fake news), Sinclair Broadcast Group and other right-wing media use fake news, lies, disinformation, fear, hate, racism, propaganda, alternative facts, conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda to divide America and promote the rabbit right and the Russian agendas.

Fox News, Sinclair Broadcast Group and other Right-Wing Media are the propaganda wing of the republican party and Russia. The Republican Party, Fox News, Sinclair Broadcast Group and other Right-Wing Media party use fake news, lies, disinformation, fear, hate, racism, propaganda, alternative facts, conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda to divide America and promote the radical right's agenda. Fox News, Sinclair Broadcast Group and other Right-Wing media are the places where Republicans run to for cover and protection when they get caught doing wrong or want to promote a lie, disinformation or fake news. Fox News, Sinclair Broadcast Group and other Right-Wing media and the Republican Party are destroying our country with fake news, lies, disinformation, fear, hate, racism, propaganda, alternative facts, conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda . The lies from Fox News, Sinclair Broadcast Group and other right-wing media are putting American lives at risk. All Americans should be upset that Fox News (Fake News), Sinclair Broadcast Group and other right-wing media (more fake news) are dividing our country by using fake news, lies, disinformation, fear, hate, racism, propaganda, alternative facts, conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda to promote their alt-right agenda and support Donald J. Trump and Putin. Fox News (Fake News), Sinclair Broadcast Group and other right-wing media (more fake news) are not patriots they are traitors. Read below to find out more about how Fox News, Sinclair Broadcast Group and other right-wing media and how their lies are dividing and destroying America.

Supercuts Of Sinclair TV Stations Reading Same B.S.

An eerie supercut compiled by Popular Information shows how anchors on dozens of channels owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group parroted the story in an apparently coordinated fashion. Each segment deferred to national correspondent Matthew Galka’s comment that Biden’s questionable mental acuity could be an “election decider.”

The network’s website and hosts have been using doctored photos and mislabeled footage to get conservative viewers fired up about CHAZ
By Ian Spiegelman

The takeover of Seattle’s East Precinct has, not surprisingly, been a Fox News obsession. Ever since activists set up their Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, the network has devoted countless hours of coverage to the “insurrection,” depicting the protestors as a rabid horde of mad looters. But when protestors didn’t seem angry or scary enough, the fear merchants at Fox used doctored photos and videos to make it seem like the “CHAZ” section of Seattle has turned into something out of Mad Max. As the Seattle Times reports, the faked imagery first popped up on Friday, June 12, when Fox ran a photo of the scene in Seattle that was doctored to include a man in military body armor, tactical glasses, and a green face mask, cradling an AR-15 assault rifle.

By Erik Wemple

Fox News is paying the price for its obeisance to former president Donald Trump. In December, a Delaware judge ruled that the $1.6 billion defamation suit filed by voting-tech firm Dominion Voting Systems could proceed. And on Tuesday, New York state Judge David B. Cohen issued a similar ruling in a $2.7 billion case filed by voting systems firm Smartmatic. Both firms were smeared as part of Fox News’s promotion of Trump’s "big lie" that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him — and that the companies were part of the fraud. “At this nascent stage of the litigation,” wrote Cohen in his ruling, “this Court finds that plaintiffs have pleaded facts sufficient to allow a jury to infer that Fox News acted with actual malice, since it conceivably had a ‘high degree of awareness of falsity’ or ‘serious doubts as to the truth’ of the statements made.”

President Biden recently revived a debate over Fox News by comparing it to other legitimate news outlets. In this special report, Ari Melber shows the “equivalence” push by some politicians is dangerous by delving into research showing Fox often misleads and misinforms its viewers on critical issues, like the pandemic, climate change, the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Raw Story

A groundbreaking new study paid viewers of the Fox News Network to watch CNN for 30 days. What they found is that the viewers ultimately became more skeptical and less likely to buy into fake news. The early impacts, after just three days, showed that the viewers were already starting to change. The findings of the study, written by David E. Brockman and Joshua L. Kalla, explained that the experiment used content analysis comparing the two networks during Sept. 2020.

Fox News is not real news it is Republican, alt right and Russian disinformation and propaganda. For years, Fox News has been pushing fake news, lies, disinformation, fear, hate, racism, propaganda, alternative facts, white supremacy, conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda for the Republican Party, the alt right and Russia. Fox News has been caught doctoring photos to promote lies, disinformation, alternative facts and the alt right agenda. Doctoring photos, lies, disinformation and alternative facts is not news it is propaganda. When Trump ran for president, Trump, Fox News, Republicans and others on the right started pushing Russian propaganda. Now Russia is using Fox News and Republican lies and propaganda on Russian TV. more...

From revelations about spreading Russian propaganda to making racist attacks, July 9 had it all.
By Aaron Rupar

Tuesday was an especially ugly day for Fox News. It began with revelations that host Sean Hannity helped spread Russian propaganda about Seth Rich’s murder. It ended with an astoundingly racist attack on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) by host Tucker Carlson. In between, hosts slut-shamed sexual assault accusers and spread misinformation about former President Barack Obama. Put everything together and it encapsulated all the channel’s worst impulses. more...


CNN's Jim Acosta responds to Tucker Carlson's new series for Fox Nation about the January 6 Capitol riot, criticizing its message as a whitewashing of the insurrection. video...

Don Lemon Tonight

SE Cupp reacts to texts sent from Fox News personalities to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows during the January 6 riot on the Capitol. video...

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