"Seeking liberty and truth above suppression and mendacity!""Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech," said Benjamin Franklin.
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Republicans vs Republicans
What Republicans have said vs what Republicans have said. Are Republicans hypocrites, schizophrenics or both?
Republicans are the epitome of hypocrites what Republicans have said vs what Republicans have said. The Republican outcry over Obama playing golf was loud. Republicans said Obama was playing too much golf and should be doing his job, there is no outcry over Trump who has played far more golf than Obama; instead, Republicans say he is doing a good job. The Republican outcry over Obama using executive orders was loud Republicans said Obama was acting like a dictator, there is no outcry over Trump who is on pace to sign more executive orders than any president in the last 50 years; instead, Republicans say he is doing a good job. Republicans use a double standard when it comes to what Republicans do and what Democrats do, that is not American no matter how they spin it. The Republican outcry over Peter Strzok was strong he was fired over his anti-Trump texts.
During the 2016 election, many republicans said disparaging things about Trump. Mick Mulvaney called Trump a 'terrible human being’; there was not the Republican outcry. Mick Mulvaney was not fired no Republican outcry, instead he got two jobs with Trump. Mitt Romney called Trump a “phony”, a "con man" and a “fraud”. Lindsey Graham said Donald J. Trump “would be an utter, complete and total disaster" he also called him a xenophobic, race-baiting, religious bigot. Many Republicans have said some not so flattering things about Trump none of those Republicans, some of whom were part of the Anti-Trump and Never Trump Republicans were fired or attacked for what they said about Trump, and their ability to do their job was never questioned but anyone who is not a Republican is attacked and their ability to do their job is questioned for saying something disparaging about Trump. The Trump campaign claimed there was no contact with the Russians turns out they went to the Russians (a hostel government) to get dirt on Clinton. Once they could no longer maintain the lie (were bused) Trump claimed it was opposition research.
Republicans said anybody would do what the Trump campaign did, however it was wrong for Clinton to do the same thing. Republicans attacked Clinton and the Democrats for the Steele dossier it was opposition research from a non-hostel source. Trump and Republicans do not have a problem with the Trump campaign seeking help from Russians (a hostel government) for opposition research but do have a problem when the democrats seek opposition research, something is wrong with that. Once again it is ok for a Republican but not a Democrat. People who are not Republicans have the same right to free speech except in the minds of Republicans. Republicans will tell you anything depending on the day of the week or the way the wind blow. Republicans distract, deflect, lie and use alternative facts (more lies) and alternative math (more lies) to support their fabricated stories to protect Republicans and attack Democrats. See for yourself view the videos below and see the hypocrites in action.
What Mike Johnson said impeachment vs what Mike Johnson impeachment.
Remember when Lindsey Graham wanted anyone but Trump for President, even made jabs at Trump over a game of billiards, only to end up… supporting Trump? Here’s thirteen minutes of spineless Senator Lindsey Graham! #DailyShow #Comedy
Ed MazzaSen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) tried to revise history on Monday, but was busted by his own past comments. As Fox News footage showed a peaceful protest in favor of abortion access, Cruz slammed the crowd as “goons” and warned of “escalation.” Then, he defended the right-wing mob that attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 2021: That’s very different from what Cruz has said in the past. Progressive PAC MeidasTouch contrasted Cruz’s words this week with his previous comments about the Jan. 6 mob, which he called “terrorists” who committed a “violent assault on the Capitol.”
MSNBCMany Republican leaders have praised Vladimir Putin and misled Americans about the facts of his record as a dictator. This MSNBC report documents some of those claims, featuring them in contrast to recent reporting and footage about Putin's invasion of Ukraine. This is part of a larger report by MSNBC’s Ari Melber.
Hypocrite Lindsey Graham vs Lindsey Graham - Lindsey Graham's stunning about-face on Trump and impeachment
CNN Erin Burnett Out Front - CNN's Erin Burnett and David Gregory examine how Sen. Lindsey Graham's (R-SC) opinion on impeachment appears to have changed since 1999. Source: CNN
A popular meme purportedly pits the 2016 Graham against the 2019 version of the senator. - Republicans are hypocrites many of them had said bad things about Trump. Republicans want to investigate anyone except Republicans who has said some bad thigs about Trump. How many Republicans are calling for investigations into Republicans who have said bad things about Trump? None, there are no calls to investigate Republicans who have said bad things about Trump.
Senator Lindsey Graham, a close ally of President Donald Trump’s, once said that a president's refusal to comply with congressional oversight was an impeachable offense. In a video unearthed from December 1998 circulating on Twitter on Friday, the South Carolina legislator passionately states that Richard Nixon could have been impeached for failing to comply with subpoenas from Congress. "The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is the day he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress, and he became the judge and jury," Graham said two decades ago. At the time, then-Representative Graham was a member of the House Judiciary Committee, and subsequently served as a manager in the unsuccessful impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. President Trump said earlier this week that he would not comply with Congressional attempts to question administration officials. "We’re fighting all the subpoenas," Trump told reporters on Wednesday. "These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are trying to win 2020."
Paul Ryan vs Paul Ryan on Executive Orders. Paul Ryan and republicans have no issues with Donald J. Trump issuing executive orders but they sure had issues when Obama issued executive orders. Donald J. Trump is on pace to sign more executive orders than any president in the last 50 years.
David Jackson and John Fritze, USA TODAYWASHINGTON – Before they saw President Donald Trump, the thousands of supporters who attended his rally earlier this month in Pennsylvania first saw a symbol of the presidency: the iconic blue-and-white jet instantly recognizable as Air Force One. As the presidential plane approached the small airport where Trump would speak, audio of air traffic controllers clearing it to land was piped through speakers. A senior Trump campaign aide posted a video of the plane taxiing up to the stage, where it would remain throughout the rally as a dramatic visual backdrop. Trump's trip to Pennsylvania was only the latest example in which he has relied on Air Force One for campaigning, raising long-standing questions about how taxpayer money is allocated for political travel. The plane, usually a Boeing 747, has carried Trump to rallies, fundraisers and events billed as official business in states such as Pennsylvania and Florida that are crucial to his hopes for reelection in 2020.
Hypocrite Donald J. Trump Vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said vs what Donald J. Trump said.
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said about the Fifth vs what Donald J. Trump said about the Fifth. First, he said only the The Mob Takes the Fifth then he took the Fifth. Donald J. Trump is a liar.
Hypocrite Donald J. Trump Vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said about a government shutdown vs what Donald J. Trump said about a government shutdown. Trump said he was 'proud' to shutdown government over border wall, that was last. This week he is trying to blame the democrats for a government shutdown his was so proud to claim last week. In 2013 Trump blamed Obama for potential government shutdowns.
Hypocrite Donald J. Trump vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said about David Duke vs what Donald J. Trump said about David Duke. First, he knew David Duke then he did not know him. Donald J. trump is a liar.
Hypocrite Donald J. Trump Vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford vs what Donald J. Trump said about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.
Hypocrite Donald J. Trump Vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said vs what Donald J. Trump said.
Hypocrite Donald J. Trump Vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said about Elizabeth Warren vs what Donald J. Trump said about Elizabeth Warren. Donald J. Trump promised Elizabeth Warren 1 million dollars her Favorite Charity if she took the DNA test. Elizabeth Warren took the DNA test now Donald J. Trump denies he offered 1 million dollars if she took the DNA test.
Hypocrite Lindsey Graham vs Lindsey Graham what Lindsey Graham said about Obstructing Justice vs what Lindsey Graham said about Obstructing Justice.
One difficulty about a career in politics is that the longer you’re in the business, the longer a track record of quotes and video your opponents can scour to undercut you. It’s something former vice president Joe Biden is contending with as he enters the Democratic primary, and it’s an obstacle his old Senate colleague Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) has run into in the wake of the Mueller report.
Lindsey Graham Vs Lindsey Graham what Lindsey Graham said about Donald J. Trump vs what Lindsey Graham said about Donald J. Trump.
Hypocrite Lindsey Graham vs Lindsey Graham - What Lindsey Graham said about Donald J. Trump vs what Lindsey Graham said about Donald J. Trump.
Hypocrite Lindsey Graham vs Lindsey Graham what Lindsey Graham said about Brett Kavanaugh vs what Lindsey Graham said about Merrick Garland.
By Chris Mills RodrigoFox News Host Chris Wallace on Sunday challenged Sen. Lindsey Graham over the South Carolina Republican's past comments on ignoring subpoenas being grounds for impeachment. "You call all of what’s going on in Washington a political circus, but you took a different view back when you were leading the impeachment effort against [former President] Clinton back in the late '90s," Wallace said on "Fox News Sunday." "At that time, you said that any president, and you talked specifically about Clinton and [former President] Nixon, who defied Congress when it came to subpoenas was in danger of impeachment," he added. Wallace then played a video of Graham in 1998 saying, "You’re becoming the judge and jury. It is not your job to tell us what we need. It is your job to comply with things that we need to provide oversight over you.” "Question: Why is it an impeachable offense for Clinton or Nixon back then to ignore congressional subpoenas, but it’s OK for President Trump to do now?" the host asked. "Well, there’s two things here," Graham said. "The Mueller investigation was a special counsel appointed to find out if the president committed a crime, if he colluded with the Russians, if he obstructed justice. The president gave 1.4 million documents to [special counsel Robert] Muller. Everybody around the president was allowed to testify. He never claimed executive privilege. He complied, no cover-up, worked with Mueller. Mueller’s the final word on this for me."
Hypocrite Lindsey Graham vs Lindsey Graham what Lindsey Graham said about the Supreme Court vs what Lindsey Graham said about the Supreme Court. Lindsey Graham in 2016 said Republicans set a precedent to not fill a vacancy of the Supreme Court vacancy in an election year. In 2018 he double down and said it again Republicans would not fill a vacancy of the Supreme Court vacancy in an election year. He also said you could use his words against well here are his being used against him as he requested.
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina continued his stalwart defense of President Trump's conduct, saying the president, unlike former President Bill Clinton, did "nothing wrong" that would warrant his impeachment and removal from office. "What President Clinton did was interfere in a lawsuit against him by Paula Jones and others, hide the evidence, encouraged people to lie. So, to me, he took the legal system and turned it upside down. But it doesn't have to technically be a crime," Graham said on "Face the Nation" Sunday. "What President Trump did here was completely cooperate in an investigation, a million documents, let everybody that the special counsel wanted to talk to be interviewed." "I believe the president did nothing wrong. Whether you like him or not, I'll leave that up to you," he added. Graham, who has become one of the White House's strongest allies in Congress, was one of the leading Republican lawmakers advocating for Clinton's impeachment and conviction in the wake of independent counsel Ken Starr's report, which said the president lied during a sworn deposition about an extramarital affair he had with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. - Sorry Lindsey Graham you are wrong 10 cases of obstruction of justice are 10 reasons to impeach Trump.
Mitch McConnell vs Mitch McConnell - Mitch McConnell Fact-Checked Live about the Supreme Court nomination
Hypocrite Mitch McConnell vs Mitch McConnell what now says about the Supreme Court nomination vs what Mitch McConnell said the about Supreme Court nomination. - Hey Moscow Mitch you hypocrite what happen to letting the American people decide?
The comment, however, diverges from his decision in 2016 to not consider President Obama’s Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garland following the sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia earlier that year.By Rebecca Shabad and Frank Thorp VWASHINGTON — If a Supreme Court vacancy emerges next year, Mitch McConnell will fill it, the Senate majority leader said Tuesday. The comment, however, diverges from his decision in 2016 to not consider President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nomination of Merrick Garland after the sudden death of Justice Antonin Scalia earlier that year. At a chamber luncheon in Paducah, Kentucky, on Tuesday, McConnell was asked by a member of the audience, “Should a Supreme Court justice die next year, what will your position be on filling that spot?" “I would fill it,” he responded, smirking, which drew loud laughter. McConnell said that while the 2017 GOP tax cuts could be repealed by future Congresses, judicial confirmations are more permanent. “What can’t be undone is a lifetime appointment," McConnell said. “That’s the most important thing that we have done for the country, which cannot be undone.” The majority leader said earlier that the biggest decision he had made in his Senate career was his choice not to consider Garland’s nomination. “I made the call in 2016 that we would not fill the vacancy created by the death of Justice Scalia in the last year of the previous administration, a decision of enormous consequences,” he said. “You may have recalled the level of controversy that it produced. I thought I was on pretty firm ground because if I knew the shoe had been on the other foot, the guys on the other side would have done the same thing. That provided an opportunity for the American people to speak up about who they wanted to make that decision.” In a tweet Tuesday night, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., called McConnell a hypocrite. - Hey Moscow Mitch you hypocrite what happen to letting the American people decide?
In 2016, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell R-Ky., refused to hold a hearing on President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, saying it was an election year, and the American people "deserved a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice." That was then. Speaking to an audience in Kentucky Monday, McConnell said should a vacancy occur on the court in 2020, another presidential election year, he would allow a vote. Asked at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon "should a Supreme Court justice die next year, what will your position be on filling that spot?" McConnell responded with a grin, "Oh, we'd fill it." The comments were first reported by CNN. McConnell has made similar pronouncements in the past, noting that the nomination of Merrick Garland by Obama came during a time of divided government, and should a vacancy occur with President Trump in the White House and the Senate also under GOP control, circumstances would be different. Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. responded to McConnell on Twitter, calling him "a hypocrite" - Hey Moscow Mitch you hypocrite what happen to letting the American people decide?

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