Donald J. Trump’s next book should be called “The Art of the Con” because Trump has been running a long con on the America people. Trump was referring to himself when he told the snake story, Trump is a serial liar and a con man that will say or do anything to protect himself or to make money. Trump University was a con job that defrauded its students by using misleading marketing practices and engaging in aggressive sales tactics, Trump had to pay $25 million to settle the case. The Trump Foundation and its directors have been accused of self-dealing and committing various ethical and legal violations. Trump’s Taj Mahal Casino Resort was fined $10 Million for money laundering and for willful and repeated violations of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).
"Seeking liberty and truth above suppression and mendacity!""Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech," said Benjamin Franklin.
Everyone has an opinion and the right to speak that opinion our forefathers granted us that right it is called the First Amendment. Read it then discuss it in the Forums.
How Russia depressed the black vote and sowed racial divisions to help elect Donald J. Trump. Vladimir Putin focused on depressing the black voter by sowing racial divisions.
Trump wanted to see Obama’s birth certificate we want to see Trump’s taxes.
If they should leave then Trump has to go he complains about our country more than all of them combined.
Don the Con has done it so well his supporters do not realize they been had and the American taxpayer was always going to pay for the wall not Mexico.
Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con, aka Don the Snake, aka Two face Donnie, aka The Don) is a con man who with the help of Putin and Russia was able to steal the 2016 election.
Donald J. Trump’s next book should be called “The Art of the Con” because Trump has been running a long con on the America people. Trump was referring to himself when he told the snake story, Trump is a serial liar and a con man that will say or do anything to protect himself or to make money. Trump University was a con job that defrauded its students by using misleading marketing practices and engaging in aggressive sales tactics, Trump had to pay $25 million to settle the case. The Trump Foundation and its directors have been accused of self-dealing and committing various ethical and legal violations. Trump’s Taj Mahal Casino Resort was fined $10 Million for money laundering and for willful and repeated violations of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).
Is FOX News a news organization or the propaganda wing of the Republican Party? YES
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