"Seeking liberty and truth above suppression and mendacity!""Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech," said Benjamin Franklin.
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Are Republicans Are Hypocrites?
Joe American
When Republicans tried to Impeach Clinton because of his affair with Monica Lewinsky they claimed it was not politically motivated it. Truth is it was a private matter that had nothing to do with how or where he was leading this country. It was about politics they were mad because he made them look bad. Clinton turned a budget deficit created by the republicans into a budget surplus a surplus. Bush promptly turn back into the largest deficit on record, Bush also lost the jobs created on Clinton watch. Republicans claim be moral, compassionate and fiscally conservative, however when a Republican is President the Budget Deficit always seam to increase, business and the rich get tax breaks while the poor and middle-class take it on the chin. Democrats help people the elderly, the poor and the middle-class while Republicans help business and the wealthy with tax breaks while screwing the poor and middle class by removing regulations meant to protect them. Republican policies will lead to unrest. Civil unrest and disobedience is increased when a government ignores it's responsibility to it's people. Civil unrest leads to an increase in crime and in some cases Revolution. It took Marie Antoinette head, lead to the signing of the Magna Charta and cost Britain America. Deregulation does not work it's like letting the foxes in the hen house. Deregulation caused the Savings and Loan Scandal and allowed Enron and fake energy crisis of 2000-2001 to happen.
Bush claimed to support the rights of States yet he used the Federal court to win the 2000 election an election Bush would have lost if all votes were counted. Using lies and fake evidence to support their claims Bush and Cheney tricked us into believing Saddam was a threat to the United States anyone who disagrees with them is attacked to keep the rest of us in line. To keep up the lie they even outed a C.I.A., that's high treason. To protect one of there own the Republicans even proposed changing their ethics rules. Is this the actions of moral men? When the UN ask Bush for more time to find the Weapons of Mass Destruction Bush said no. When Bush was asked where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction he said be patience give us more time. Bush claimed the war was over more than two years ago yet more of our soldiers have died after he declared the war over than died during the war. Bush recently gave a speech and when asked about the war in Iraq he said we where not in Iraq when 9/11 happened. Mr. Bush in case you forgot it was Bin-Laddan and Al-quida that attacked us not Iraq. If Bush were Democrat Republicans would be calling for his head as well as Cheney's, Rove's and Libby's.
Republicans are the epitome of hypocrites. Republicans vs Republicans what Republicans said vs what Republicans said.
Story by Ja'han JonesA report by The New York Times on Elon Musk’s fervent support for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign includes a bombshell detail that undermines right-wingers’ conspiratorial claims about Hunter Biden and anti-conservative bias on social media.Conservatives have been kvetching for years about so-called collusion by the federal government with Big Tech, which they baselessly claim was a factor in Trump’s loss in 2020. In Republicans’ telling, the internal choices of some social media companies to moderate conspiratorial content about data — some of it pornographic — dubiously retrieved from an old Hunter Biden laptop amounts to a full-blown conspiracy.Never mind that this purported government collusion would have occurred under the Trump administration — right-wingers have gone all in on the bogus claim, which has been promoted by Elon Musk.But according to the Times, the Trump campaign and Musk’s social platform, X, recently engaged in conduct remarkably similar to what conservatives have been crying about for years. Per the report:
Story by Lee MoranJimmy Kimmel exposed Republican hypocrisy over GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump with a blistering montage on Thursday.Kimmel noted how conservatives were “very worked up” about Joe Biden’s age and energy level before he abandoned his reelection campaign and endorsed his vice president, Kamala Harris.
By Ewan PalmerArkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been criticized for requesting federal aid in the wake of the tornadoes that ripped through the state despite previously speaking out against the "meddling hand of big government." Sanders' plea for help has led to accusations of hypocrisy. During her gubernatorial campaign, she said she was running to defend the "right to be free of socialism and tyranny."A spokesperson for the governor hit back at her critics, telling Newsweek they were using "a time of tragedy to score political points." On Saturday, Sanders' office said the governor had spoken with Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Deanne Criswell to discuss the state and federal response to the tornadoes. FEMA has since confirmed that Criswell will be traveling to Arkansas on Sunday to survey the tornado damage.
MSNBCFormer Attorney General Eric Holder joins Jen Psaki for an exclusive interview to discuss Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's investigation into former President Trump, the threats Bragg has faced, and Trump lawyer Evan Corcoran testifying before the grand jury in the documents probe. On Congressman Jim Jordan's letters to DA Bragg, Holder says "The notion that Jim Jordan who ignored a subpoena to testify in the January 6th investigation, would now have the temerity to inject himself into a state/local prosecution is the height of hypocrisy."
Story by Matthew ChapmanEven before any charges have been released against former President Donald Trump, as is widely expected to happen by experts, House Republicans are turning their guns on Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, with Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and other GOP chairs demanding he come before Congress to testify on his investigation.Former Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe tore into this effort, agreeing with former attorney and Congressman Dan Goldman, who tweeted, "Defending Trump is not a legitimate legislative purpose for Congress to investigate a state district attorney. Congress has no jurisdiction to investigate the Manhattan DA, which receives no federal funding nor has any other federal nexus." "For Congress to harass a local prosecutor who is just enforcing state criminal laws violates core principles of federalism and state sovereignty in violation of the Tenth Amendment," he wrote.
CNNCNN’s John King and legal analyst Elie Honig discuss former President Donald Trump’s past statements on the Fifth Amendment after news broke that he declined to answer questions in a scheduled deposition with New York Attorney General Letitia James.
WASHINGTON — Consultant Kevin McCarthy’s denial of disparaging feedback he made about President Donald J. Trump after the Capitol assault on Jan. 6, 2021, uncovered a broadly identified however seldom seen phenomenon in Washington: the hypocrisy of Republicans who’ve privately scorned Mr. Trump whereas publicly defending him. Mr. McCarthy, the California Republican who’s campaigning to be speaker of the Home if his celebration wins the bulk in November, had dismissed as “completely false and incorrect” a report that he had informed fellow G.O.P. leaders he would urge Mr. Trump to resign from workplace after the riot. However an audio recording of the dialog revealed Mr. McCarthy’s denial to be a lie.
Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court hearing spotlights broader GOP dysfunction
Jackson will likely be confirmed. But Americans will also remain stuck with this brand of Congress — with its pandering and toxic dysfunction — for the foreseeable future.
By Norman Eisen, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institute and Dennis Aftergut, former federal prosecutor
Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has made it through the first three days of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation gantlet with grace under fire and forceful conviction. But her steely patience has clearly been tested by the panel’s GOP senators. Their partisan attacks and showboating offer a typology of current Republican dysfunction. We should expect more of the same in what remains of this hearing — and, alas, this Congress.
Hypocrisy 101Several of the panel’s GOP senators repeated a hypocritical criticism of Jackson’s “troubling” support by dark money liberal groups. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and John Cornyn, R-Texas, all sought to tie Jackson and her judicial philosophy to groups that wield political influence while concealing the origins of their funding.
With Little to Attack SCOTUS Nominee, Republicans Are Going Full Hypocrisy
Dark-money groups criticizing dark money, and a new appreciation for Justice Breyer.
Stephanie Mencimer
While you wouldn’t know it from the attacks Republicans are lobbing at Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Joe Biden’s nominee to the Supreme Court, her confirmation is a foregone conclusion. She’s been on the Democratic Supreme Court shortlist since the Obama administration. As a former US District Court judge for eight years and a member of the US Sentencing Commission, and newly appointed to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, Jackson has been through three separate Senate confirmation proceedings since 2010. Three Republican senators voted to confirm her to the DC Circuit in June. In short, not only is she extremely qualified for the job, but she has already been thoroughly vetted. Even Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has conceded that she has an impressive resume.
“A wax museum is less cold-blooded than these people are,” Chris Cuomo said of the Republicans whose positions have flipped 180 degrees.By Lee MoranThe hypocrisy of President Donald Trump’s biggest sycophants was on full display in a supercut that CNN’s Chris Cuomo aired on Wednesday night. The montage features footage of prominent Republicans who mocked Democrats as “crybabies” following Trump’s 2016 election victory over then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. In the video, Kayleigh McEnany, who is now the White House press secretary, says “no one should question” Trump’s win. Fox News’ Sean Hannity calls Democrats “sore losers,” while former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway criticizes them for not accepting the election result, even though Clinton conceded.Now that Trump is refusing to acknowledge defeat in the 2020 election and making unfounded allegations of mass voter fraud, Cuomo noted how Republicans’ positions on elections have conveniently flipped 180 degrees. “Shame on them,” Cuomo said. “A wax museum is less cold-blooded than these people are.” more...
By Nicholas GoldbergColumnistSo now it is official: The same Republican senators who in 2016 refused to consider Merrick Garland’s appointment to the Supreme Court because, with eight months to go, it was supposedly too close to the presidential election, have now confirmed Amy Coney Barrett with just eight days left before the election. This is so unprincipled, so inconsistent and so cynical that it defies the imagination. It is the flip-flop of the century, undertaken by the Republicans for one reason: Barrett’s confirmation ensures a conservative majority on the high court for the foreseeable future.But here is one good thing that could come of this shameful episode. With millions of people still casting their votes before Nov. 3, perhaps the Barrett confirmation will open Americans’ eyes, once and for all, and show them who they’re dealing with. Perhaps it will persuade them to reject the radical and hypocritical Senate Republicans at the polls.Barrett’s confirmation, after all, is only one of many irresponsible moves by the Senate majority, led by the craven Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), who long ago threw his lot in with President Trump. In recent years, he and his caucus have grown not just more extreme in their ideology but more unscrupulous in their tactics.Not only did they refuse a hearing to Garland (giving that seat instead to Trump appointee Neil M. Gorsuch), but not long after, McConnell and his colleagues rammed Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination through without a comprehensive investigation of the sexual assault allegations against him. The Senate majority also slow-walked the confirmation of lower court judges during the final years of the Obama administration — and then sped them up when Trump came into office. The Senate majority ignored evidence, disregarded facts and refused to hear additional witnesses before acquitting Trump in a half-baked impeachment trial in February, thereby giving the imprimatur of the upper house to the president’s high crimes and misdemeanors. more...
By Katherine FungAhead of Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court confirmation vote, Republicans for the Rule of Law, an anti-Trump GOP group, blasted five Republican senators for flip-flopping on their 2016 position on confirming Barack Obama nominee Merrick Garland. The ads—targeting Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Chuck Grassley, Senator Marco Rubio, Senator Ron Johnson and Senator Rob Portman—highlight the senators' comments from 2016 when they said Supreme Court justices should not be confirmed during an election year.These remarks come in stark opposition to the current efforts to fill the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg's vacancy before November 3. "It would be bad to move forward in the middle of a hotly contested presidential campaign," Grassley says in a clip from 2016 featured in the ad. A senior member and former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Grassley has argued that confirming Barrett is different from the case of Garland, Obama's 2016 Supreme Court nominee, because Republicans now control both the White House and the Senate, unlike the divided government of four years ago. more...

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