Donald J. Trump White House Page 93
U.S. president was already showing frustration with Netanyahu. Israeli leader’s coalition holds bare parliamentary majority. srael’s political turmoil isn’t just a problem for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: It’s the latest blow to President Donald Trump’s hopes to unveil a grand Middle East peace plan his son-in-law has spent almost two years on. Netanyahu’s coalition now holds a bare majority of 61 of 120 parliamentary seats after his political rival, Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, pulled his faction out of the government Wednesday. If other parties leave the coalition -- and some are already threatening to do just that -- Israel could head into elections this winter even as Netanyahu is facing corruption probes in three different cases.The White House asserts that it can pick and choose which journalists are given a permanent pass to cover it, according to a court filing by the Justice Department on Wednesday. The filing was the government's legal response to CNN and Jim Acosta's lawsuit over the recent suspension of Acosta's press pass. Tuesday's lawsuit against President Trump and several of his top aides alleged that the ban violates CNN and Acosta's First and Fifth Amendment rights. Most of the country's major news organizations have sided with CNN through statements and plan to file friend-of-the-court briefs. But the Trump administration, in a sharp break with decades of tradition, is asserting that it has "broad discretion" to limit reporter access to White House buildings and events.Marking the breakout of peace after World War I, President Donald Trump on Sunday heard a dire warning from his host: the forces that led to the slaughter are resurgent. Trump and dozens of his global counterparts gathered at the Arc de Triomphe in central Paris to mark 100 years since the nightmares of World War I ended, a conclusion brought about partly by the entry of the United States into the bitter, nationalism-fueled conflict. But decades later, as living memories fade of the trenches and the poison gas, nationalism is on the rise. It's been fueled by Trump himself, who has proudly identified himself as a nationalist as he advances an "America First" agenda. In his address, French President Emmanuel Macron -- who has emerged as Europe's most vocal sentry against a global tide of nationalism -- repeated his warnings. "Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism," he said through a translator. "Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By saying our interests first, who cares about the others, we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great and what is essential: its moral values." "I know there are old demons which are coming back to the surface. They are ready to wreak chaos and death," he said. "History sometimes threatens to take its sinister course once again." It was impossible to view his remarks as anything less than a rebuke of Trump, who has proudly espoused an "America First" foreign policy. Speaking later at an American cemetery in Paris, Trump did not directly respond, choosing instead to stick to a brief speech honoring the war dead. - Nationalism is the name racist people use to hide their racist propaganda. The Alt-Right (All White) is the KKK without the white sheets. Donald J. Trump is a white nationalist he has shown he has a dislike for people who are not white. America deserves better than the likes of Donald J. Trump, the KKK, the Alt-Right (All White) and their hatred for people who are not white. America was not built by white people it was built on the backs of immigrants of all races.It's not your imagination: President Trump, who regularly makes a point of personally insulting public figures who challenge or displease him in any way, taps into an especially toxic well of vitriol when aiming his attacks at black Americans. This week alone, Trump berated CNN correspondent Abby Phillip ("What a stupid question. But I watch you a lot. You ask a lot of stupid questions.") He said of April Ryan, a reporter and CNN contributor who has covered the White House for 21 years: "You talk about somebody that's a loser. She doesn't know what the hell she's doing." And at a post-election press conference, when Yamiche Alcindor of "PBS NewsHour" began to ask about accusations that his rhetoric may have emboldened violent white nationalist groups, Trump interrupted with, "I don't know why you say that. That is such a racist question." The three women -- all of them gifted, accomplished professionals -- will be covering politics long after Trump has left the White House. They join a long list of athletes, entertainers, journalists and politicians who Trump routinely attacks as "dumb," "not qualified" or some such insult. None of this is subtle or secret; that would defeat the purpose. For Trump, loudly and publicly denigrating black figures is the whole point. - Donald J. Trump is racist white nationalist who projects his weakness on to others.Trump’s decision to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions and replace him with a Trump loyalist has been widely decried, and even Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano says the move is illegal.Under a different GOP president, Republicans likely would have kept the House. On Wednesday, Ezra Klein argued that the 2018 elections showed that Republicans are paying the “Trump tax,” suffering at the polls because they are attached to a president who is surprisingly unpopular given national political and economic conditions. I think this is right, but I wanted to expand a bit on what it means and try to put a “price” on that tax. The Trump tax is conceptually the difference between where President Trump’s approval ratings are and where a more typical Republican president’s would be given national conditions. A Vox analysis in 2016 suggested that Trump was running several points behind a generic Republican presidential nominee in that election.Sam Clovis, who was co-chair of Trump’s 2016 campaign, said Whitaker is “a dear friend.” President Donald Trump’s pick for acting attorney general, Matt Whitaker, is a close friend of Trump’s 2016 election campaign co-chair, and a former government ethics chief said the friendship makes Whitaker unable to oversee impartially a politically charged investigation into the campaign. Matthew Whitaker, named on Wednesday to replace Jeff Sessions, will directly oversee Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible links between Trump’s campaign team and Russian officials. Whitaker publicly criticized Mueller’s investigation before he was hired as Sessions’ chief of staff last year.China has been front-loading exports to the US ahead of a looming rise in tariffs in January. Chinese stocks tumbled Friday on trade-war fears and worries about a slowing Chinese economy. Experts are pessimistic about the outcome of a meeting between the two countries' presidents at the G20 summit later this month. Chinese exports to the US have risen this year as the country looks to get as many goods as possible off its shores before steeper tariffs arrive in January. "This growth is due to exporters' concern that the 10% tariffs on $200 billion of exported goods to the US will rise to 25% on 1 January 2019, which has led them to front-load exports," ING said in a report on Friday. Exports grew 15.6% year-on-year, up from an original consensus of 11.7% growth. Once those tariff hikes kick in, these figures are likely to weaken, ING said.Whitaker linked to defunct 'scam' company. Matthew Whitaker, the acting US attorney general, was on the advisory board of a Florida company that was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission and served with a $26 million judgment earlier this year for what court documents called "a scam that has bilked thousands of consumers out of millions of dollars." The company, World Patent Marketing, promised to help inventors get patents. Whitaker was named as an advisory board member in October 2014 and Federal Election Commission filings showed the company's owner donated $2,600 to Whitaker's campaign when he was running for the US Senate. A payment record also shows Whitaker was paid at least $9,375 by the company from October 2014 to February 2016, and was due to be paid an additional $7,500 in 2016 and 2017, but it is unclear whether he received that money.He said that 'as a former US Attorney, I would only align myself with a first class' business. The FTC said it took customers for over $25 million, with some losing 'life savings.' Our new acting attorney general was listed on the advisory board of a patent marketing company that federal authorities shut down as a fraudulent scheme that bilked aspiring inventors of millions of dollars and intimated that those who publicly complained might have to deal with a “security team” of Israeli ex-special forces operators schooled in Krav Maga.Acting AG Matthew Whitaker ‘is on record as being more interested in propping up Trump than in upholding the rule of law,’ one Justice Department lawyer says. Acting Attorney General Mark Whitaker, named to head the Justice Department after Jeff Sessions was fired Wednesday, has a close relationship with President Trump and has expressed hostility toward special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe—which he may now oversee. “Whitaker is on record as being more interested in propping up Trump than in upholding the rule of law,” one DOJ trial attorney told The Daily Beast. “It’s hard to have confidence that he’ll do anything other than what the president had said in his tweets.”White House sources said the A.G. didn’t leave voluntarily. Meanwhile, the president has put a loyalist in charge of the special counsel investigation. Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigned at the request of President Donald Trump on Wednesday, a move that potentially threatens the independence of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the president. In an op-ed last year, Whitaker called on Mueller “limit the scope of his investigation” into the president. He wrote that Mueller was “dangerously close to crossing” Trump’s self-declared “red line” of investigating Trump family finances.In forcing out Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the president seems to want a lawman he can control. Robert Mueller, the special counsel, always knew he was running the Russia investigation on borrowed time. That time may have just run out on Wednesday afternoon, when President Trump ousted his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, less than 24 hours after Republicans lost their eight-year lock on the House of Representatives. So who’s going to protect Mr. Mueller now? The bad news is, well, pretty much everything else. Mr. Whitaker — who has been called the “eyes and ears” of the White House inside the Justice Department by John Kelly, Mr. Trump’s chief of staff — has expressed a Trumpian degree of hostility to the investigation he is now charged with overseeing. He has called it a “witch hunt” and, in its earliest months, wrote an opinion piece arguing that Mr. Mueller was coming “dangerously close” to crossing a “red line” by investigating the president’s finances. He has suggested there was nothing wrong in Mr. Trump’s 2017 firing of James Comey, the F.B.I. director, and he has supported the prosecution of Hillary Clinton. In an interview last year he described “a scenario where Jeff Sessions is replaced with a recess appointment, and that attorney general doesn’t fire Bob Mueller, but he just reduces his budget to so low that his investigation grinds to almost a halt.” In 2014, he headed the political campaign for Iowa state treasurer of Sam Clovis, who later became a Trump campaign aide and, more recently, a witness in the Russia investigation. Conflicts of interest like this are what led Mr. Sessions to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. That was the ethical thing to do, even if it sent Mr. Trump into a spiral of rage.President Trump threatened Wednesday to retaliate with a “warlike posture” should the new Democratic House majority use its subpoena power to launch investigations into his administration, warning that any probes would jeopardize prospects for bipartisan deals. During a lengthy and at times combative White House news conference, Trump repeatedly praised Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.), who could reclaim the speaker’s gavel she lost eight years ago, and said his chances of striking agreements on legislation were greater with a divided government. Trump said that he would react aggressively to any attempt to look into possible corruption in his administration or investigate his personal finances or conduct in office, as Democratic leaders have said they are planning to do. He vowed to respond with “warlike posture” that would extinguish any hopes for bipartisan progress. - Donald J. Trump is running sacred he knows he is guilty of crimes against America he going to try to shut down any investigation to protect himself from investigation.Top Democrats in the House are reportedly planning to invite Robert Mueller to testify on Capitol Hill in televised hearings if President Trump takes action to fire the special counsel and shut down the Russia investigation. Senior Democratic aides told Politico that if Trump were to fire Mueller and other members of the Justice Department's leadership in a scenario similar to Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre, Democrats would respond by inviting Mueller to testify before the House in a televised hearing. "I think you could expect Democrats to take pieces of what they shut down and expose it publicly,” a senior aide familiar with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) thinking told Politico.Trump repeatedly attacked Sessions, one of his earliest supporters, for recusing himself from Russia investigation. Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, has been fired by Donald Trump, ending a long-running feud with the president over the Russia investigation. Sessions said in a letter to Trump on Wednesday: “At your request, I am submitting my resignation”. He took credit for reversing a recent rise in violent crime and for taking a hardline stance on illegal immigration and gangs. - Donald J. Trump is running sacred he knows he is guilty of crimes against America he going to try to shut down the Mueller investigation to protect himself from investigation.NBC and Fox News said in separate statements on Monday that their networks will no longer air the Trump campaign's racist anti-immigrant advertisement.Facebook has stopped the Trump campaign from running its racist anti-immigration commercial as an ad on the site."This ad violates Facebook's advertising policy against sensational content so we are rejecting it. While the video is allowed to be posted on Facebook, it cannot receive paid distribution," Facebook said in a statement Monday afternoon.President Donald Trump is closing the 2018 campaign in a familiar key: Making barely-veiled racial attacks in hopes of driving a portion of his base to vote. In Indianapolis over the weekend, Trump, describing his presidential predecessor, said "Barack," then paused, then drew the letter "H" (for Obama's middle name "Hussein") in the air. Trump has talked about Obama lots and lots of times over the past two years, but it's only the weekend before the election that he decides to note Obama's middle name -- or middle initial -- in this way. Ask yourself why. And then give me one reason other than to remind voters that Obama's middle name is "Hussein." And then explain to me how reminding people that that is Obama's middle name isn't playing on racial animus? On Saturday in Florida, Trump said that Andrew Gillum, the African-American Democratic nominee for governor, was "not equipped" to do the job. "It's not for him," added Trump. Gilllum, who is the mayor of Tallahassee, spent more than a decade on that city's commission prior to ascending to his current post in 2015. Trump has repeatedly insisted that Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, who is black, is "not qualified" for the job which she is seeking. Trump didn't elaborate, but it's unclear what he objected to in Abrams' resume; she is a graduate of Yale Law School and was minority leader of the Georgia state House prior to this bid. In a vacuum, you could write off these three incidents to the arguments lots of Republicans make when asked about Trump: He's an equal opportunity offender! He's said plenty of nasty things about white people, too! But we don't live in a vacuum. And the truth of Trump's life as a politician is that he has repeatedly shown a willingness to engage in the sort of racial dog-whistling -- and, sometimes, outright whistling -- that he knows motivates some portion of his base.President Trump embarks Monday afternoon on a final three-state election swing that will close out an us-against-them midterm campaign built on dark themes of fear, anger, division, nationalism and racial animosity. The president’s thundering warnings about “left-wing mobs” and a migrant “invasion” have inflamed the passions of a country, energizing conservatives he hopes to mobilize to hang onto control of Congress while exasperating opponents who accuse him of fear-mongering and demagogy.Minutes after the DOJ announced it will work to protect voting rights on Tuesday, the president blasted out what can only be read as an attempt to scare potential voters. Law Enforcement has been strongly notified to watch closely for any ILLEGAL VOTING which may take place in Tuesday’s Election (or Early Voting). Anyone caught will be subject to the Maximum Criminal Penalties allowed by law. Thank you! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 5, 2018. The threat concluded an early-morning rant from the president about various Democratic senators running for re-election, and CNN, which Trump accused of being the true culprit in voter-suppression efforts. With the midterm vote less than 24 hours away,Trump’s warning and overtly hostile effort to protect the Republican-controlled House and Senate breaks from his own justice department, which—after weeks of scrutiny for its silence in light of various suppression efforts—is now publicly committed to a fair election.As video of the smirking Bracamontes, who boasts that he would kill more police if he could, and scenes of Central American migrants appear, the ad pins all of the blame for the killings on Democrats. The ad concludes: “President Donald Trump and Republicans are making America safe again.” This narrative has a big problem: It’s false. Trump’s ad claims that Democrats let Bracamontes in and that they let him stay. But the reality is that he snuck over the border under both a Democratic (Clinton) and a Republican (Bush) and was deported under both presidents. He returned again when a Republican (Bush) was president. Then he remained in the country through Obama’s term — but it was a Republican local official who dropped the pending case. Pinning the blame on any political party for Bracamontes’s killing spree is a fool’s game. No one let him in, and no one let him stay; he kept sneaking back in and escaped notice until he murdered the police officers. The president earns Four PinocchiosDisinformation in its purest form. President Donald Trump — perhaps feeling some heat in the lead-up to the midterm elections, in which his party is expecting heavy losses — told a pretty desperate lie Sunday. New Fox Poll shows a “40% Approval Rating by African Americans for President Trump, a record for Republicans.” Thank you, a great honor! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2018. One problem: There’s no such poll.China needs natural gas. The United States has tons of it. But Donald Trump has smothered the potential for trade between the two countries, effectively preserving the trade deficit his trade war was supposed to eliminate. That view emerged Friday among panelists at the U.S.-China Forum hosted by the University of Chicago. It was CNBC contributor Michelle Caruso-Cabrera who pointed out the lost opportunity to address the trade deficit: "I think it would also help solve this trade-deficit obsession that the president has, right? if we started selling them a lot more natural gas."The three corporate giants complained that the Obama administration was being unreasonable and stood their ground, according to people briefed on the investigations. After President Trump took office, they looked to his administration for a more sympathetic ear — and got one. Across the corporate landscape, the Trump administration has presided over a sharp decline in financial penalties against banks and big companies accused of malfeasance, according to analyses of government data and interviews with more than 60 former and current federal officials. The approach mirrors the administration’s aggressive deregulatory agenda throughout the federal government. The New York Times and outside experts tallied enforcement activity at the S.E.C. and the Justice Department, the two most powerful agencies policing the corporate and financial sectors. Comparing cases filed during the first 20 months of the Trump presidency with the final 20 months of the Obama administration, the review found: A 62 percent drop in penalties imposed and illicit profits ordered returned by the S.E.C., to $1.9 billion under the Trump administration from $5 billion under the Obama administration; A 72 percent decline in corporate penalties from the Justice Department’s criminal prosecutions, to $3.93 billion from $14.15 billion, and a similar percent drop in civil penalties against financial institutions, to $7.4 billion; A lighter touch toward the banking industry, with the S.E.C. ordering banks to pay $1.7 billion during the Obama period, nearly four times as much as in the Trump era, and Mr. Trump’s Justice Department bringing 17 such cases, compared with 71.A lawsuit claims the president improperly benefits financially when foreign/state governments patronize the Trump Hotel a few blocks from the White House. President Donald Trump's lawyers cannot try to derail a lawsuit over his ownership of the Trump Hotel in Washington by appealing a key early ruling in the case, a federal judge said Friday, dealing another blow to the president's efforts to block the case from going forward. The attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C., claim that Trump is violating the Constitution's emolument's clauses, which bar the president from receiving "any present, emolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince, or foreign state" or any state in the U.S. The lawsuit claims that he improperly benefits financially when foreign or state governments patronize the hotel he owns just a few blocks from the White House.Trump comments perceived by some as encouraging violence. President Donald Trump on Thursday praised a congressman’s past assault on a reporter, making it the latest example where he appears to encourage or support violence. This is far from the first time that Trump aides, including Sanders, have disputed the idea that Trump, both as a candidate and now as president, condones violence. Here are some examples: "If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously, OK? Just knock the hell ... I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise," he said on Feb. 1, 2016. "Get him out," he said of a protester. "Try not to hurt him. If you do, I'll defend you in court. Don't worry about it." "When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, 'Please don’t be too nice,'" he said. "Any guy that can do a body slam, he is my type!" Trump said on Thursday to cheers. - Donald J. Trump encourages violence then as usual, he never takes the blame for what he does and always blames someone else.Trump ramps up fear rhetoric as midterm elections near. Half of registered voters think that President Donald Trump is encouraging politically motivated violence in the United States in the way he speaks, but essentially as many say the media are doing the same in the way they report the news, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll.Sen. Jeff Flake called the web video tweeted by President Donald Trump on Thursday "sickening," telling CNN's Wolf Blitzer that he doesn't "like the tone that President Trump has taken with regard to blaming immigrants." "This notion that this is all the Democrats' fault is just wrong," the Arizona Republican said Friday on "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer," noting that in 2013, every Senate Democrat had voted in favor of a bipartisan immigration bill, which Flake called "the last real vote we had on substantial immigration reform." In an attempt to hype up his base voters ahead of the midterm elections next week, Trump has focused his incendiary rhetoric on immigration, dubbing this campaign cycle the "election of the caravan" -- a reference to the group of migrants traveling north toward the US border through Mexico.Trade deficit up 1.3% in September to 7-month high of $54 billion. The numbers: The nation’s trade deficit rose 1.3% in September to a seven-month high as imports set a fresh record, confounding efforts by the Trump White House to bring deficits down. The deficit edged up to $54 billion from a revised $53.3 billion in August, the Commerce Department said Friday. It’s the second biggest monthly trade deficit since Donald Trump became president in January 2017. What’s more, the trade deficit with China set a new record despite U.S. tariffs meant to punish the country for what the U.S. considers unfair trade practices. The U.S. trade deficit added up to almost $447 billion in the first nine months of 2018. That compared to about $404.5 billion in the same span in 2017. The U.S. is on track to post its biggest deficit in a decade.Bracamontes’ time in America up to the killings spanned three administrations. He was arrested and deported once under Democratic President Bill Clinton, but there was a failure to deport him in 1998. He was arrested and deported again in 2001, this time under Republican President George W. Bush. He came back that same year, and was arrested again in 2001. After that, Bracamontes apparently evaded deportation through the time of his 2014 killing spree during the administration of Democratic President Barack Obama. So for eight years, from 2001 through 2008, you could argue a Republican administration failed to identify and definitively deport him. For five years, from 2009 to 2014, a Democratic administration similarly failed. (And if you want to give blame to Congress for not passing stricter laws or dedicating more resources, the two different parties shared control of Congress during the timeframe in question.)As he awaits sentencing, Trump’s former lawyer says that he wants to clear his conscience and warn voters about what he sees as the president’s true nature in advance of the midterm elections. Cohen also recounted a conversation he had with Trump in the late 2000s, while they were traveling to Chicago for a Trump International Hotel board meeting. “We were going from the airport to the hotel, and we drove through what looked like a rougher neighborhood. Trump made a comment to me, saying that only the blacks could live like this.” Cohen recalled how he and Trump were discussing the reality show and past season winners. “Trump was explaining his back-and-forth about not picking Jackson,” an African-American investment manager who had graduated from Harvard Business School. “He said, ‘There’s no way I can let this black f-g win.’” (Jackson told me that he had heard that the president made such a comment.They have been touted as the faces of illegal immigration, chilling examples of murderous men. The remorseless cop-killer who smirked and swaggered in court. The gang member who shot a high school football star in the head. The homeless man who sent a bullet into the back of a young woman strolling along the pier. Time and again, these three California cases have been hoisted and heralded by President Trump as the most lethal argument against immigration reform. His diatribes have been met with waves of criticism by those who assert that Trump is scapegoating immigrants as a racist, fear-mongering tactic to influence voters. The argument also runs in the face of numerous studies that say illegal immigration has been at historic lows over the last several years and that an overwhelming correlation exists between immigrants and low crime rates. His diatribes have been met with waves of criticism by those who assert that Trump is scapegoating immigrants as a racist, fear-mongering tactic to influence voters. The argument also runs in the face of numerous studies that say illegal immigration has been at historic lows over the last several years and that an overwhelming correlation exists between immigrants and low crime rates. “As the undocumented population increases, the violent crime rate tends to go down. And we see this across the four main measures we think of with violent crime — robbery, rape, homicide and assault,” said Michael T. Light, a sociology professor at the University of Wisconsin who co-authored a study published in March.Trump also failed to mention that Bracamontes used an AR-15, a weapon that Republicans, including the president, don’t want to outlaw. President Trump tweeted out a video on Wednesday designed to gin up fears of illegal immigration prior to the midterm elections. The spot, which drew comparisons to the infamous Willie Horton ad for its bigoted undertones, featured Luis Bracamontes, an undocumented immigrant who has been convicted and sentenced to death for murdering two deputies in Sacramento, California: “Democrats Let him stay!” the ad declares. And: “It is outrageous what the Democrats are doing to our Country. Vote Republican now!” Except, that’s not the story. Bracamontes was first deported to his native Mexico in 1997, during the Clinton administration, after he was busted selling drugs. But, according to U.S. Immigration officials, Bracamontes managed return to the United States by 2001, when he was deported a second time for being in the country illegally. That was during the first year of the Bush administration. - Another day another Donald J. Trump lie.CNN's SE Cupp says Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt's remarks that President Trump wants stories reported the way he wants were "disturbing" and that it is not the job of the media to be liked by the president.Moderate Republican lawmakers distanced themselves on Thursday from the racist video shared by President Donald Trump's campaign, with at least one House member saying the video is endangering vulnerable GOP candidates fighting to keep the party's House majority. The video, which was tweeted by Trump six days before the midterm elections, accuses Democrats, without evidence, of plotting to help people it depicts as Central American invaders overrun the nation with cop killers. Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo, who has opposed parts of Trump's agenda in the past, told CNN's Jim Sciutto on "Newsroom" that the ad is politically divisive. "It's definitely part of a divide and conquer strategy that a lot of politicians, including the President, have used successfully in the past," he told Sciutto. "I hope this doesn't work. I hope that type of strategy starts failing in our country, but that's up to the American people." "If we continue getting divided, if our politics continues growing more and more violent, our democracy is going to be at real risk," he added.The Environmental Protection Agency has quietly signaled it may allow states to release more ozone air pollution, commonly known as smog, dirtying the air in those states and neighboring ones, but the agency did not review the health impact of such a move. The Trump administration's position is outlined in a highly technical guidance memo about plans states must create and submit for EPA approval under the Clean Air Act's good neighbor requirements. It was sent in August to EPA regional offices and posted on the agency's website, but not announced to the public. The memo introduces the idea of increasing the threshold for how much smog a state can dump on its neighbors -- known as cross-state pollution -- before taking action to reduce emissions. Under the Trump administration's new guidance, states that are currently finalizing their plans can consider adopting a looser standard than would have been allowed under the Obama administration. The new one part per billion standard means a state can emit 43% more pollution across state lines than before. Smog is a byproduct of air pollutants including greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. It can originate from sources including power plants, refineries and factories. Smog can reduce the ability of the lungs to function, and especially impacts children, people who are active outside, or those who have respiratory diseases. It is linked to breathing issues and conditions such as asthma. - Under the Donald J. Trump administration business will allowed to pollute our air and water killing millions of children, family members, friends, co-workers and fellow Americans.President Donald Trump, whose time in office has been defined in large part by his frequent falsehoods and misleading statements, claimed Wednesday he tries to be truthful. "I remember, you remember well in the campaign, you made a promise. You said, 'I will never lie to you,'" ABC News' Jon Karl said to Trump in a new interview. "So can you tell me now, honestly, have you kept that promise at all times? Have you always been truthful?" "Well I try. I mean, I do try. I think you try, too. You say things about me that are not necessarily correct," Trump replied. "I do try, and I always want to tell the truth. When I can, I tell the truth." "I mean sometimes it turns out to be where something happens that's different or there's a change. But I always like to be truthful," he added.J. Mark Metts, a 60-year-old partner at one of this city’s prestigious law firms, had never voted for a Democratic presidential candidate until 2016. Now he and some of his neighbors in the moneyed River Oaks enclave of Houston are about to oppose a Republican once again, to register their disapproval of President Trump. “With Congress not really standing up to Trump, this election is becoming a referendum,” Mr. Metts said, explaining why he would no longer support the re-election of Representative John Culberson, an eight-term Republican.Why Republicans can’t tell the truth about their health care plans. The scale of the Republican Party’s lying about their health care policy is, as Sarah Kliff writes, stunning. The Republican Party is driving legislative and judicial efforts to gut protections for people with preexisting conditions that are now the law of the land. At the same time, they are running ads about their commitment to protecting people with preexisting conditions that feature the very elected officials suing to negate those protections, and President Donald Trump is saying, well, this: "Republicans will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions, Democrats will not! Vote Republican" - Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2018. That’s not exaggeration. It’s not spin. It’s not misleading. It’s a lie. It’s pure up-is-downism. It’s a flagrant foul committed against reality. It’s scandalous, and it should be treated as a scandal. As Sarah notes, 14 percent of voters say protecting people with preexisting conditions is their top priority. The essence of elections is that voters have a clear idea of what the two parties intend to do so they can make an informed choice between them. The fact that the president is trying to utterly deceive them is important.Kurdish intelligence has documented scores of attacks around former ISIS strongholds. ISIS militants set up a checkpoint on a highway in northern Iraq and kidnapped a man from his car. They blew up an electric tower, cutting power to Hawija, a former ISIS stronghold. They kidnapped two people from a health center. They injured six with a car bomb. They killed a municipal worker. They killed a police officer. They beheaded a Kurdish soldier and attacked an Iraqi base. They kidnapped a security officer from his home. All these attacks and dozens more came in the last two months. They provide a small window into the hundreds of incidents tracked over the last year by an intelligence service in Iraq that show a rise in ISIS attacks in the country — undercutting the Trump White House’s claims that the group has been defeated. The data shows that ISIS routinely launches attacks around its former strongholds in northern Iraq — and it aligns with an increase in attacks that analysts have tracked across the country.President Trump says he can end birthright citizenship with an executive order. But most legal scholars — and even leaders of the president's own party — are skeptical. In an interview with Axios, published Tuesday, the president said he wants to end the automatic right to citizenship for babies born in the U.S. to noncitizens. "You can definitely do it with an act of Congress," Trump said in the Axios interview. "But now they're saying I can do it just with an executive order."President Donald Trump floated the idea that he could end so-called birthright citizenship in the United States with an executive order. House Speaker Paul Ryan said the president would have no such authority, echoing most legal scholars on the issue. Trump fired back at Ryan on Wednesday, telling him to instead focus his energy on defending the House majority in the elections next week. President Donald Trump went after House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday for refusing to back his idea to strip birthright citizenship by executive order.President Donald Trump is tearing through constitutional norms again with his suggestion that he can remove the right to citizenship for children born in the United States of undocumented immigrants. Even if this idea goes nowhere and it is likely to go nowhere -- the Constitution's 14th Amendment 150 years ago conferred automatic citizenship to anyone born in the US, and the Supreme Court has upheld that birthright - the latest assertion reinforces a singular Trump message: The law is what he says it is. Trump has declared people innocent or guilty, based on his personal views. He has derided US judges for decisions with which he disagrees. He has swatted away fundamental notions of due process by calling for the death penalty of people before they were even formally tried in court. Now he appears to want to rewrite the Constitution with the stroke of his pen. - Donald J. Trump is a dictator he is trying to change our constitution using executive orders. Our constitution would be destroyed if the president is allowed to change using executive orders. Donald J. Trump (Wannabe dictator) cannot change our constitution, only congress can.CNN's Jake Tapper explores President Donald Trump's history of promoting conspiracy theories and how social media helps to spread them.President Trump, seeking to limit immigration to the U.S., is set to challenge a 150-year-old constitutional standard that anyone born in America is an American citizen. Mr. Trump told "Axios on HBO" that he plans to sign an executive order to "remove the right to citizenship for babies of non-citizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S.-soil." The 14th Amendment, passed after the Civil War, specifically says that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens." The Supreme Court has upheld this rule for legal permanent residents, but has never decided a citizenship case involving an illegal immigrant or a short-term visitor to the U.S. Amending the Constitution would require supermajorities in House and Senate and ratification by three-fourths of the states.Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) on Tuesday slammed President Trump over his stated intention to sign an executive order to stop the practice of birthright citizenship.President Obama slams President Trump and the Republican Party with gloves off for "blatantly, repeatedly, baldly, shamelessly, lying" while campaigning Friday afternoon in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: BARACK OBAMA: Look, listen. Throughout human history... Certainly throughout American history,...The "climate kids" were back on the steps of a federal courthouse in Oregon on Monday. But their case against the United States government, alleging violations of their constitutional rights to a safe and livable atmosphere in the face of runaway global warming, has dragged on for so long without a trial that some of them aren't exactly kids anymore. When the case was filed on their behalf in August 2015, Levi Draheim, the youngest plaintiff, was 8. Now he's 11. He's had to grow up considerably in those three years.Donald Trump has once again branded the mainstream media the "enemy of the people", just days after a pipe bomb was sent to CNN's offices and 11 people were shot dead at a synagogue in Pittsburgh. "There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news," the US president wrote on Twitter. "The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People, must stop the open & obvious hostility & report the news accurately & fairly." - When Trump points a finger, two are pointing back at him. Trump lies the GOP and their alternative facts (more lies) are the true enemy of America and the America and people. Americans need to vote the Republicans out of power to save America.The NYSE and even the over-the-counter Nasdaq exchange never opened for trading the morning of the attacks and were closed until Sept. 17 — the longest shutdown since 1933. Other stock markets around the world were closed as well. It’s easy to figure this out using Google. There’s even a whole Wikipedia page. - Another day another Trump lie.Former President Barack Obama while campaigning Friday afternoon in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: "In Washington they have racked up enough indictments to field a football team. Nobody in my administration got indicted. So, how is it that they cleaned things up?"European diplomats are warning that enhanced U.S. financial sanctions against Iran run the risk of forcing the rest of the world to create alternative banking systems that could undermine the long-time dominance of the U.S. dollar. The issue has come up as the Trump administration considers aggressive sanctions aimed at expelling Iran from the international banking system. As the deadline for sanctioning Iran’s oil industry approaches, the spotlight has shifted to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, an entity led by representatives of major banks from the world’s 10 largest economies that helps banks around the world communicate with each other on transactions. - Thanks to Trump’s destruction of the Iran, the world may turn against the US dollar, if that happens it will weaken America. America cannot be great if it is only great inside its borders.President Trump and Senate Republicans are remaking the federal courts in their own image. Prior to the Trump administration, there was plenty of tit for tat in the escalating partisan wars over judicial nominations. But these tactics were aimed at blocking nominees. Since Trump was sworn in, however, the GOP Senate leadership has moved aggressively to speed confirmation of new judges, casting aside long-existing practices and traditions that ensured some consensus in picking the judges who sit on the federal courts of appeal.A failed terrorist in Florida succeeds in overshadowing the president's message, to Trump's annoyance. The would-be terrorist who failed to harm CNN and George Soros did succeed at one thing: ruining President Donald Trump’s week. Trump had hoped to capitalize on growing Republican enthusiasm in the final weeks of the midterm campaign — stoking fears of a Central American migrant caravan and hoping his Thursday unveiling of a plan to lower prescription drug prices would hold the news media’s attention heading into the weekend. But even Trump can’t shape the media narrative to his will amid an attempt at mass political assassination and a nationwide manhunt. “It didn’t get the kind of coverage it should have,” Trump complained on Friday, speaking of his prescription drug proposal. “We’re competing with this story that took place, our law enforcement’s done such a good job, so maybe that can start to disappear rapidly.”US President Donald Trump has praised a Republican congressman who assaulted a journalist last year with a "body slam", referring to him as "my guy". The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and the Guardian newspaper have called on Mr Trump to apologise. This latest praise from Mr Trump is unlikely to improve his relationship with the media, which he has previously labelled the "enemy of the people". - Donald J. Trump incites violence while blaming the democrats for the violence. Donald J. Trump is the only one who praises people for doing violence things toward others. Only Donald J. Trump offers to pay legal fees for doing for doing violence things toward others. Donald J. Trump is the inciter in chief.President Donald Trump has invited his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, to visit Washington next year, US National Security Adviser John Bolton says. It is unclear if Mr Putin has accepted the invitation. The two leaders have met several times on the sidelines of international meetings but have held only one bilateral summit, in Helsinki in July. They are expected to meet briefly in Paris next month to mark the centenary of the end of World War One. - What secrets will Trump give Putin this time? Let us hope he does not give Putin the nuclear launch codes, but with Trump, you never know he may if he has not all ready done so.CNN anchor Poppy Harlow said Thursday that President Trump's attacks on the media are "unacceptable" in the wake of a series of bombs mailed to the network's offices and prominent Democratic officials. "To be attacked by the president last night and again this morning, it’s unacceptable," Harlow told The Hollywood Reporter. "But I think the most powerful response that we all as journalists have is to go on the air and do our job," she added.Trump blames media amid mail bomb campaign. The president of the United States of America wrote a half-sentence tweet criticizing CNN, deleted it, then wrote a full tweet criticizing CNN "and others" the same week the television network was mailed a bomb. "Funny how lowly rated CNN, and others, can criticize me at will, even blaming me for the current spate of Bombs ... yet when I criticize them they go wild and scream, 'it's just not Presidential!'" Trump tweeted at 3:14 a.m. EDT Friday morning.When President Trump calls old friends on one of his iPhones to gossip, gripe or solicit their latest take on how he is doing, American intelligence reports indicate that Chinese spies are often listening — and putting to use invaluable insights into how to best work the president and affect administration policy, current and former American officials said. Mr. Trump’s aides have repeatedly warned him that his cellphone calls are not secure, and they have told him that Russian spies are routinely eavesdropping on the calls, as well. But aides say the voluble president, who has been pressured into using his secure White House landline more often these days, has still refused to give up his iPhones. White House officials say they can only hope he refrains from discussing classified information when he is on them.Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday bluntly accused President Trump of lying after he asserted yet again — in the face of multiple actions to the contrary — that Republicans would protect people with preexisting health conditions while Democrats would not. The rebuke from the top Democrat in the Senate came after the second tweet in a week from Trump with misleading information on an issue that Democrats see working to their advantage in the Nov. 6 midterm elections. “Republicans will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions, Democrats will not! Vote Republican,” Trump said in his tweet. Schumer responded in a series of tweets, starting with: “Good morning, America. This is a lie.”President Donald Trump on Wednesday claimed that Democrats are threatening to endanger patients with pre-existing conditions while Republicans will protect them — an assertion at odds with his administration’s own persistent efforts to dismantle Obamacare. “Republicans will totally protect people with Pre-Existing Conditions, Democrats will not! Vote Republican,” Trump tweeted, part of a ramp-up of his rhetoric on health care ahead of the midterm elections. Public health experts say his claims are inaccurate, given his administration's moves to roll back the Affordable Care Act's safeguards for people for pre-existing conditions. The administration has taken steps to promote the sale of skinnier health coverage that doesn't comply with Obamacare's requirements and could lack protections for sick people and has joined a lawsuit seeking to abolish the health care law.Oops. On Tuesday evening, President Donald Trump tweeted a video of then-Sen. Barack Obama arguing against open borders in 2005. “We are a generous and welcoming people here in the United States, but those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law, and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law,” Obama says in the clip. “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.” Trump tweeted, “I agree with President Obama 100%!”Candidates need to deliver more than outrage, and that’s all Trump has this time. Donald Trump runs on fear. Once again, he’s closing out an election season with a direct appeal to the darkest impulses of the American psyche. “The Democrats don’t care what their extremist immigration agenda will do to your communities,” he said at a rally in Arizona last week, packing xenophobia into the false assertion that “Democrats want to throw your borders wide open to deadly drugs and endless gangs.” On Monday, he did the same when talking about the caravan of Honduran migrants heading for the United States, falsely saying that “Criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in” with the group.Yes Trump is a white nationalist remember when he defended his white nationalist buddies after Charlottesville as good people. Trump is lying as usual when he says he never heard the term white nationalist.President Trump on Tuesday falsely accused “inept politicians” in Puerto Rico of seeking to use “ridiculously high” levels of hurricane relief funding to pay off debts that have left the U.S. commonwealth in bankruptcy. “The U.S. will NOT bail out long outstanding & unpaid obligations with hurricane relief money!” Trump said in a tweet that represented his latest salvo toward leaders of the island since it was ravaged by Hurricane Maria a little more than a year ago. In fact, neither Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló — or a federal board that oversees the territory’s finances — have argued that federal disaster relief funds should be used to directly pay off debts. Rosselló and other local leaders have actively advocated against such a move.Is there an election coming up, or something? There he goes again. With Republicans struggling to keep their grip on Congress, President Trump is dialing up the demagogy. At campaign rallies and on social media, he’s spewing dark warnings about a Democratic mob clamoring to usher in an era of open borders, rampant crime, social chaos and economic radicalism. As is so often the case, Mr. Trump is not letting reality interfere with his performance.Donald Trump is waging one of the most inflammatory closing arguments of any modern campaign, lacing his midterm rhetoric with easily disprovable claims that are building on the fact-challenged foundation of his presidency. With just two weeks to go before the midterm election, the President is doing what he does best, seizing national attention with a flood of outrageous and improbable lies that drown out rivals, leverage his brawling personality and rip at fault lines of race, identity and patriotism.President Trump has settled on a strategy of fear — laced with falsehoods and racially tinged rhetoric — to help lift his party to victory in the coming midterms, part of a broader effort to energize Republican voters with two weeks left until the Nov. 6 elections. Trump’s messaging — on display in his regular campaign rallies, tweets and press statements — largely avoids much talk of his achievements and instead offers an apocalyptic vision of the country, which he warns will only get worse if Democrats retake control of Congress.The Russian government has said it would be forced "to take measures" if the United States began developing new missile systems, ratcheting up the rhetoric after US President Donald Trump said he would ditch a Cold War-era nuclear arms treaty.Trump told reporters on Saturday that he intended to withdraw the country from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), signed by the Soviet Union and United States in 1987 during the final years of the Cold War. The agreement has helped eliminate thousands of land-based missiles from the US and Russia, and Trump's plans have raised concerns of a renewed arms race between the two nations.The New York Times reported that the agency was circulating a memo proposing that gender be defined as an immutable biological condition determined by a person's sex organs at birth. LGBT leaders across the U.S. reacted with fury Monday to a report that the Trump administration is considering adoption of a new definition of gender that would effectively deny federal recognition and civil rights protections to transgender Americans. "I feel very threatened, but I am absolutely resolute," Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Rights, said at a news conference convened by more than a dozen activist leaders. "We will stand up and be resilient, and we will be here long after this administration is in the trash heap."Well, Trump is partly right -- many of the people planning to vote against the GOP this election day are angry. But they aren't an "angry mob." They're "angry moms." And these outraged mothers appear ready to vote in big numbers for Democrats this midterm in order to send a message that they strongly disapprove of Trump. Just check out what women are telling us about the upcoming midterm election. A CNN poll released this month stunningly found that 63% said they would be voting for the Democratic candidate on November 6, compared to 33% who said they're more likely to vote for the Republican. If those numbers hold up, Democrats will see the biggest percentage of female voters casting ballots in the House race for them in midterm history! (Or at least since that data started being collected in 1976.)During a Thursday night campaign rally in Montana, Donald Trump, the President of the United States, praised a Republican Congressman for assaulting a reporter. All of which, on its own, is troubling. Very troubling. But, Trump's celebration of an ASSAULT on a reporter -- I just can't emphasize this enough -- is made even worse by the fact that the world is currently watching Istanbul where Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi disappeared inside the Saudi Arabian consulate more than two weeks ago. The expectation -- including from Trump himself -- is that Khashoggi, a critic of the Saudi government, was killed inside the consulate.A shouting match has erupted inside the White House between two of President Trump’s top advisers. While angry arguments are typical in the world of stressful, high-stakes White House decision-making, this one has true revelatory potential: It opens a window on a big, festering lie at the very core of Trump’s worldview. That lie is actually two, interrelated lies. The first is that immigration to the United States is fundamentally a malicious, destructive force that Americans should feel taken advantage of or menaced by. The second is that it can be dealt with primarily through “toughness.” Those lies feed each other: If immigration represents a zero-sum threat, in which migrants or their countries of origin are merely driven by a desire to prey on Americans and America, then a “tough” response will overwhelm that predatory motive. Respond “weakly” and you’re a sucker, a victim.He accepts less-than-credible denials from autocratic heads of state about nefarious acts. He disputes the existence of man-made climate change and insists that photographic evidence of the crowd at his inauguration is fake, part of a media plot to harm him. Over the course of 21 months, President Trump has loudly and repeatedly refused to accept a number of seemingly agreed-upon facts, while insisting on the veracity of a variety of demonstrably false claims that happen to suit his political needs. In the process, he has untethered the White House from the burden of objective proof, creating a rich trove for professional fact-checkers, and raising questions about the basis for many of his decisions. “If there’s no truth, how do we discuss and make decisions that are rooted in fact?”President Donald Trump was more instrumental than previously known in scrapping plans to move the FBI headquarters out of Washington to the DC suburbs, according to newly released internal government emails.The decision could have financial benefits for the President, whose own hotel is located a block away, critics say. The documents were released Thursday by House Democrats in a letter to General Services Administrator Emily Murphy that suggests she misled Congress about the President's involvement. "New documents provided to the Oversight Committee indicate that President Trump met personally with you, the FBI, and White House officials on January 24, 2018, where he was directly involved with the decision to abandon the long-term relocation plan and instead move ahead with the more expensive proposal to construct a new building on the same site, and thereby prevent Trump Hotel competitors from acquiring the land," states the letter by Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and other senior Democrats.The federal budget deficit rose 17 percent in fiscal 2018, according to the Trump administration. Spending jumped, and revenue only increased slightly following the GOP tax cuts. The Trump administration has pushed for dramatic budget cuts at several agencies and supported massive increases in military spending.
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