Dedicated to Donald J. Trump's (aka Don the Con) time in the White House the ups, the downs, the corruption, the chaos, the destruction, the devastation and the hatred created by Donald J. Trump. Donald J. Trump has corrupted the white house, the DOJ, the state department and other government departments and agencies to protect and defend Donald J. Trump. Instead of putting America first, they are putting Donald J. Trump first. Any government employee who puts Donald J. Trump before America and the constitution is not patriot. The oaths they have taking are to America and the constitution not to any individual. Any government employee who puts Donald J. Trump above America and the constitution is neither protecting nor defending America and the constitution. Moreover, they have broken the oath they have sworn to America and the constitution. The Donald J. Trump Administration will go down as the worse, most corrupt, comprised and dishonest administration in American history.
Donald J. Trump is threat to Democracy, our National Security, America and you, we are dedicated to shining a light on that threat. Trump is a bully who can dish it out but cannot take it, Trump does not punch back he lashes out like a child when his feeling get hurt. You cannot trust the information you get from Trump, his surrogates, the GOP or right wing media who lie, use fake news and alterative facts to distract from the truth and to promote the right wing agenda. If Trump opens his month it is probably a lie, Trump is a liar who lies about his lies; many of the Trump’s surrogates, the GOP and right wing media lie, use alternative facts and fake news to protect Trump and the GOP while attacking and destroying our Democracy. Do not take our word for it, read it for yourself and find out more about the real Donald J. Trump and how he is destroying America and our Democracy with the help of Fox News (Fake News) and right wing media (more fake news).
On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol was sacked in a riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress in an attempted coup d’état. With help from his allies, Fox News, right-wing media and some in the Republican Party; Donald J. Trump incited insurrection, sedition, attempted a coup d’etat and caused the sacking of the United States Capitol. Donald J. Trump’s coup attempt involved some House members, some Senate members, and Mike Pence overturning the election certification process with the hope that Trump could steal the election and steal the presidency.Videos of the riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress and the sacking of the United States Capitol. On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol was sacked in a riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress to overturn the 2020 election in an attempted coup d’état. Some of Donald J. Trump’s MAGA supporters carried out the coup attempt in an attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election and overthrow the government of the United State of America. Some of the insurrectionist came prepared to kidnap and kill some in congress, hang Mike Pence and stop the vote count to keep Trump in power and prevent Biden from becoming president.
We believe the links and information we provide in this collection of pages and pages found here will show why Donald J. Trump is a threat to our Democracy, our National Security, and is unfit to be president of the United States of America and should go to jail. The more you know the better informed you will be to make your own determination on the real Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con). Looking for more information about Trump Administration Scandals, Trump Impeachment Inquiry, Trump EPA, Trump before the White House, Trump Lawsuits, The Trump-Russia Affair, The Trump-Ukraine Affair, Trump News, Moscow Mitch, GOP Watch, Election Fraud or Election Interference. #Trump, #TrumpWhiteHouse, #WhiteHouse
Continue reading about Donald J. Trump White House
Learn more about Donald J. Trump's (aka Don the Con) time in the White House the ups, the downs, the lies, the chaos, the destruction, the devastation and the hatred created by Donald J. Trump the worst businessman in America. Or find out more about the Trump-Russia Affair, the Trump-Ukraine Affair or the Donald J. Trump Impeachment Inquiry or the Donald J. Trump Senate Impeachment Trial.
Learn more about Don the Con the real Donald J. Trump:
Donald J. Trump News: Is Donald J. Trump Is A Deadbeat? Is Donald J. Trump a traitor? Did the Trump campaign collude or conspire with Putin and the Russians? Donald J. Trump is the king of lies, fake news and alternative facts. Does Donald J. Trump lies about his lies. Doanld J. Trump is a con man, a crook, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a bad businessman, and a white supremacist. How many people will become sick or die from Trump’s changes to environmental rules and regulations? Donald J. Trump is making a profit on the American taxpayer dime. Donald J. Trump is the greatest threat to national security America has ever faced. Donald J. Trump is a threat to free press, free speech, free trade, the rule of law, human rights, human decency, our democracy, our air, our water, our lands and the American way of life. Donald J. Trump is a threat to America and we are dedicated to exposing Don the Con the real Donald J. Trump and shining a light on the threat Donald J. Trump is to Democracy, the America way of life and you. Find out more about Trump Impeachments or the Trump Insurrection. The more you know the better informed you are. Find out for yourself how much of a threat Donald J. Trump is to America and you by clicking the links below and reading more.The Real Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con, aka Don the Snake, aka Two face Donnie, aka The Don, aka Criminal Don)

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