Donald J. Trump vs Donald J. Trump
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said vs what Donald J. Trump said. Donald J. Trump is a hypocrite, a liar, a bully, a con man and a fraud if you do not believe us see for yourself and you decide.
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said about the Fifth vs what Donald J. Trump said about the Fifth. First, he said only the The Mob Takes the Fifth then he took the Fifth. Donald J. Trump is a liar.
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump Vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said vs what Donald J. Trump said.
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump loved WikiLeaks when he was running for president now he does know anything about it.
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump at multiple events in 2016 and 2017, Donald Trump insisted, “I have nothing to do with Russia” and “I have no deals in Russia.” Following Michael Cohen’s plea deal today about the Trump Tower Moscow project, the president told reporters, “Everybody knew about it.”
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump Vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said about a government shutdown vs what Donald J. Trump said about a government shutdown. Trump said he was 'proud' to shutdown government over border wall, that was last. This week he is trying to blame the democrats for a government shutdown his was so proud to claim last week. In 2013 Trump blamed Obama for potential government shutdowns.
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump Vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said about Elizabeth Warren vs what Donald J. Trump said about Elizabeth Warren. Donald J. Trump promised Elizabeth Warren 1 million dollars her Favorite Charity if she took the DNA test. Elizabeth Warren took the DNA test now Donald J. Trump denies he offered 1 million dollars if she took the DNA test.
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump Vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford vs what Donald J. Trump said about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said about David Duke vs what Donald J. Trump said about David Duke. First, he knew David Duke then he did not know him. Donald J. trump is a liar.
Learn more about Don the Con the real Donald J. Trump:
Donald J. Trump News: Is Donald J. Trump Is A Deadbeat? Is Donald J. Trump a traitor? Did the Trump campaign collude or conspire with Putin and the Russians? Donald J. Trump is the king of lies, fake news and alternative facts. Does Donald J. Trump lies about his lies. Doanld J. Trump is a con man, a crook, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a bad businessman, and a white supremacist. How many people will become sick or die from Trump’s changes to environmental rules and regulations? Donald J. Trump is making a profit on the American taxpayer dime. Donald J. Trump is the greatest threat to national security America has ever faced. Donald J. Trump is a threat to free press, free speech, free trade, the rule of law, human rights, human decency, our democracy, our air, our water, our lands and the American way of life. Donald J. Trump is a threat to America and we are dedicated to exposing Don the Con the real Donald J. Trump and shining a light on the threat Donald J. Trump is to Democracy, the America way of life and you. Find out more about Trump Impeachments or the Trump Insurrection. The more you know the better informed you are. Find out for yourself how much of a threat Donald J. Trump is to America and you by clicking the links below and reading more.The Real Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con, aka Don the Snake, aka Two face Donnie, aka The Don, aka Criminal Don)

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