Donald J. Trump News
If you are looking for information on Donald J. Trump, you have come to the right place. Here you can find information on The Trump Insurrection, Trump’s time is the white house, Trump Administration scandals and corruption, before Trump got to the white, lawsuits against Trump, how Trump runs his properties, is Trump a bad businessman, is Trump is a crook, is Trump is a conman, does Trump lie and more. Donald J. Trump has corrupted the White House, the DOJ, the state department and other government departments and agencies to protect and defend Donald J. Trump. Instead of putting America first, they are putting Donald J. Trump first. Any government employee who puts Donald J. Trump before America and the constitution is not patriot. The oaths they have taking are to America and the constitution not to any individual. Any government employee who puts Donald J. Trump above America and the constitution is neither protecting nor defending America and the constitution. Moreover, they have broken the oath they have sworn to America and the constitution. The Donald J. Trump Administration will go down as the worse, most corrupt, comprised and dishonest administration in American history. This page is dedicated to tracking Donald J. Trump. Find out all you can about Donald J. Trump, for some you may find out he is not the man you thought he was, for others you may be proven right Trump is as bad as you thought he was. For others you will find he is far worse than you could ever imagine. #Trump, #TrumpNews
Commentary and Opinions about Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump is threat to Democracy, America and you we are dedicated to shining a light on that threat. America has never faced a greater threat to national security than Donald J. Trump. Donald J. Trump is a liar, a bully, a con man and a fraud. Trump conned the American people with the greatest bait and switch ever pulled when he said Mexico would pay for the wall. Mexico is not paying for the wall the American taxpayer are. Trump is coning the American people when he says China is paying the tariffs, no the American taxpayers are. Trump is coning the American people daily.
The Trump Administration will go down as the worse, most corrupt, comprised and dishonest administration in American history. Donald J. Trump has corrupted the white house, the DOJ, the state department and other government departments and agencies to protect and defend Donald J. Trump. Instead of putting America and the constitution first, they are putting Donald J. Trump first. Any government employee who puts Donald J. Trump before America and the constitution is not patriot. The oaths they have taking are to America and the constitution not to any individual. Any government employee who puts Donald J. Trump above America and the constitution is neither protecting nor defending America and the constitution. Moreover, they have broken the oath they have sworn to America and the constitution.
Tracking the ups, downs, lawsuits and chaos of Donald J. Trump after his time the White House
This page is dedicated to Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con, aka Don the Snake, aka Two face Donnie, aka The Don, aka Criminal Don) before his time in the White House.
Many other republicans are making asses of themselves and their party to protect and appease Donald J. Trump. Donald J. Trump has made a mockery of Republican Party. Donald J. Trump has made the Republican Party his flunkies, minions and some his bitches. When he says do something they do it even when they know it is wrong or illegal. They do not care that the oath of office is to America and the constitution not to Donald J. Trump. Republicans put Donald J. Trump before America, the constitution and their oath of office. They are willing to violate their oath of office to protect Donald J. Trump.
The EPA under Trump has reduced or removed protections that protect our lands, our air and or water this will have long-term consequences for future generations.Here you can find out for yourself how bad it could get for the air you breathe and the water you drink and how many Americans could die.
Donald J. Trump failure to act quickly and reasonably to protect the American people from the Coronavirus has put America lives at risks.
Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con) has pulled off the greatest bait and switch ever pulled. Don the Con has done it so well his supports do not realize they been had and the American taxpayer was always going to pay for the wall not Mexico.
Donald J. Trump has committed abuse of power, high crimes and misdemeanors this page is dedicated to tracking the impeachment inquiry of Donald J. Trump.
There may be no one more crooked or corrupt than Donald J. Trump. Trump is making a profit at the expense of the American taxpayer. Trump is greedy con man who does not care about America or the American people, but he does want their money. Trump only cares about himself and how much money he can put in his pockets. He does not care where the money comes from the American taxpayer or foreign money he just wants money. Now we know why he refused to divest, Trump wanted to use the power of the presidency to put money in his pockets. Below you can find some examples of how crooked and corrupt Trump is using taxpayer dollars to prop up his properties and accepting foreign governments spending at Trump properties wishing to gain favor with Trump.
America has never faced a greater threat to national security than Donald J. Trump. Republicans called out Hillary for her handling of classified material but Trump is far worse than Hillary when it comes to national security. Trump disclosed classified information to the Russians. We know what Trump has disclosed in public but we do not know what he has said in private. We do not know what classified secrets Trump may have given to the Russians or others in his private conversations and that should scare the hell out of you. Find out for yourself how great a threat to national security Donald J. Trump is.
Donald J. Trump is a Threat to DemocracyDonald J. Trump (aka Don the Con, aka Don the Snake, aka Two face Donnie, aka The Don) is the most serious threat America has ever faced. Trump is attacking the free press, our Justice department our, Intelligence agencies, our Democracy and the rule of law in an attempt to protect himself from prosecution. Trump’s attacks will have long lasting and detrimental effects on America, Americans and Americas standing in the world. Trump praises Putin while attacking Americans, our Justice department our, Intelligence agencies, our Democracy and the rule of law. Trump believes what Putin says over what our Intelligence agencies have said about Russian interference in to ther2016 election. Trump refuses to accept our Intelligence agencies assessment that Russian interfered in the 2016 election.
Donald J. Trump is Destroying America
When I wrote, the statement below I had hoped that I was wrong however; Trump proves on a daily basis that I was right Trump is bad for America and we will regret he was elected president. Trump is destroying Americas and our relationships with our friends and allies. Trump and his Republican allies are attacking the FBI, the justice department and our other intelligence agencies in an attempt to destroy their credibly in an effect to protect himself from prosecution. Destroying the credibly the FBI, the justice department and our other intelligence agencies is un-American but it is something Putin or one of his spy’s or moles would do. Trump must have something to hide if he is willing to destroy the credibly the FBI, the justice department and our other intelligence agencies, or he may be a Russian spy or mole.
Donald J. Trump Senate Impeachment Trial
Donald J. Trump has been impeached by the house. Moscow Mitch and GOP Senators will make a mockery of our Republic to protect Donald J. Trump.
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said vs what Donald J. Trump said. Trump is a liar, a bully, a con man, a crook and a fraud. Find out how much of a hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump is.
Donald J. Trump’s Changing Positions Over The Years, what Donald J. Trump said vs Donald J. Trump said.
This collection of pages is dedicated to Donald J. Trump's (aka Don the Con, aka Don the Snake, aka Two face Donnie, aka The Don, aka Criminal Don) time in the White House and the ups, the downs, the chaos, the destruction, the devastation and the hatred created by Donald J. Trump. Find out about the ups, the downs, the chaos, the destruction, the devastation and the hatred created by Donald J. Trump.
Learn more about some of the legal issues of Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con, aka Don the Snake, aka Two face Donnie, aka The Don, aka Criminal Don). Here you can find a short list of the lawsuits against Donald J. Trump.
From a hard nose prosecutor, to America’s mayor, to a right wing conspiracy nut and now a criminal suspect the rise and fall of Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani along with Trump are using Russian talking points to promote Russia’s version of interference in the 2016 election. You have question were their allegiance are to America or to Russia, more and more it looks like their allegiance is to Russia and not to America.
The Mueller investigation into how the Russians infiltrated the Trump campaign and conspired with the Trump campaign to help Donald J. Trump.
On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol was sacked in a riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress in an attempted coup d’état. With help from his allies, Fox News, right-wing media and some in the Republican Party; Donald J. Trump incited insurrection, sedition, attempted a coup d’etat and caused the sacking of the United States Capitol. Donald J. Trump’s coup attempt involved some House members, some Senate members, and Mike Pence overturning the election certification process with the hope that Trump could steal the election and steal the presidency.
Videos of the riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress and the sacking of the United States Capitol. On January 6, 2021, the United States Capitol was sacked in a riot and violent attack against the 117th United States Congress to overturn the 2020 election in an attempted coup d’état. Some of Donald J. Trump’s MAGA supporters carried out the coup attempt in an attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election and overthrow the government of the United State of America. Some of the insurrectionist came prepared to kidnap and kill some in congress, hang Mike Pence and stop the vote count to keep Trump in power and prevent Biden from becoming president.
Donald J. Trump is the only president in American history to be impeached twice in one term. Donald J. Trump is the only American president to attempt to steal an election. Donald J. Trump is the only American president to incite an insurrection. Trump is the only American president to attempt a coup.
Before the Trump-Ukraine Affair there was the Trump-Russia Affair, Donald J. Trump, his son and an unknown number of people from the Trump campaign may have conspired (colluded) with the Russians to help elect Donald J. Trump. The Trump-Ukraine Affair should make you rethink the Trump-Russia Affair. The lie then was it was about adaptions the lie this time is it was about corruption.
VICE NewsDonald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? VICE News' "Trump Talk" mashup series tries to answer that. And, we're happy to say, it was just nominated for two Webby Awards. Now you can watch all the nominated videos together in this one mega mashup.
Annotated transcripts of Trump's remarks
The Trump-Ukraine Affair shows Trump is more than willing to accept help from a foreign government, which is against the law. It also shows trump is willing do anything he has to get that help and anything he has to prevent the truth from coming out. It also shows he may have conspired with the Russians to help him win the 2016 election. Last time the lie was about adaptions this time it the lie is about corruption. Donald J. Trump is abusing the power of the presidency. Donald J. Trump has corrupted the white house, the DOJ, the state department and other government departments and agencies to protect and defend Donald J. Trump. Instead of putting America and the constitution first, they are putting Donald J. Trump first.
If he is as rich as he claims then why is he both the king of debt and a deadbeat? If Trump is as rich as he claims he would not be the king of debt. If Trump is as rich as he claims he would not be a deadbeat. Now there could be reason that Trump is the king of debt and a deadbeat. It could be that he is just cheap. It could be he is not as rich as he claims. It could be he is an evil greedy bastard. It could be he is a conman. It could be he is just a crook. On the other hand, it could be all of the above.
Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con) has pulled off the greatest bait and switch ever pulled. Don the Con has done it so well his supports do not realize they been had and the American taxpayer was always going to pay for the wall not Mexico.
There's evidence which casts doubt on Trump's wealth claims and reveals his history of business relationships with figures connected to organised crime.
Over the years, Trump has repeatedly shown us he is a bully, a bigot, a racist and a white supremacist. Find out for yourself if Trump is a bully, a bigot, a racist and a white supremacist
Donald J. Trump is projecting himself onto others when he calls them crooks; Trump is the crook. There may be no one more crooked or corrupt than Donald J. Trump. Remember the 10 million dollar fine Trump’s Casio paid for money laundering, for willful and repeated violations of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) or Trump’s fraudulent University, or Trump bogus charity he used as his personal piggy bank. Donald J. Trump is using taxpayer money to prop up his properties. Donald J. Trump has committed obstruction of justice and now he is telling people to break the law and he will pardon them, that is an abuse of power. Donald J. Trump is a liar, a crook, a fraud, a deadbeat, a tax cheat, a con man, criminal and a bad businessman. Find out how crooked Donald J. Trump really is.
Trump is projecting himself onto others when he calls them a liar. Trump is the world most prolific liar in the history of mankind. Trump lies about his lies sometimes in the same day or even the same breath. Here you can find out about Trump the liar.
Donald J. Trump is many things a bully, a crook, a conman, a grifter, a fraud, a liar, a racist, a braggart, a blowhard, vile, nasty and disgusting; however, he is not a good businessman. Trump is a bad businessman. Do not believe the hype Donald J. Trump may be a good conman but he is the worst businessman in America and/or possibly the biggest tax cheat America. Find out how bad a businessman Trump is.
Trump is projecting himself onto others when he calls them nasty and disgusting; some of Trump’s properties are vile, nasty and disgusting. We know how vile, nasty and disgusting Trump can be when he is talking about others. Now we know the way he manages his properties is also nasty and disgusting or he could be cheapskate or both. Find out how vile, nasty and disgusting Trump properties are.
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said vs what Donald J. Trump said. Trump is a liar, a bully, a con man, a crook and a fraud. Find out how much of a hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump is.
Donald J. Trump’s Changing Positions Over The Years, what Donald J. Trump said vs Donald J. Trump said.
VICE NewsDonald Trump talks a lot, but what is he actually saying? VICE News' "Trump Talk" mashup series tries to answer that. And, we're happy to say, it was just nominated for two Webby Awards. Now you can watch all the nominated videos together in this one mega mashup.
Learn more about Don the Con the real Donald J. Trump:
Donald J. Trump News: Is Donald J. Trump Is A Deadbeat? Is Donald J. Trump a traitor? Did the Trump campaign collude or conspire with Putin and the Russians? Donald J. Trump is the king of lies, fake news and alternative facts. Does Donald J. Trump lies about his lies. Doanld J. Trump is a con man, a crook, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a bad businessman, and a white supremacist. How many people will become sick or die from Trump’s changes to environmental rules and regulations? Donald J. Trump is making a profit on the American taxpayer dime. Donald J. Trump is the greatest threat to national security America has ever faced. Donald J. Trump is a threat to free press, free speech, free trade, the rule of law, human rights, human decency, our democracy, our air, our water, our lands and the American way of life. Donald J. Trump is a threat to America and we are dedicated to exposing Don the Con the real Donald J. Trump and shining a light on the threat Donald J. Trump is to Democracy, the America way of life and you. Find out more about Trump Impeachments or the Trump Insurrection. The more you know the better informed you are. Find out for yourself how much of a threat Donald J. Trump is to America and you by clicking the links below and reading more.The Real Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con, aka Don the Snake, aka Two face Donnie, aka The Don, aka Criminal Don)

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