Trump’s billion dollar boondoggle wall would not stop a 9/11 event, stop drugs, stop smugglers, prevent people who overstay their visas or stop domestic terrorist.Why do the American people have pay for a wall that Donald J. Trump promised Mexico would pay for?A. B. Man III01/11/2019Most illegal immigrants do not come across the Mexican border they fly in on airplanes and overstay their visas; Trump’s wall would not stop that. The 9/11 terrorist did not come across the Mexican border they flew in on airplanes; Trump’s wall would not stop someone from doing it again. Americans have killed far more Americans than people who have come across the Mexican border; Trump’s wall will not stop Americans from killing more Americans. Right wing domestic terrorist have killed and terrorized far more Americans than people who have come across the Mexican border; Trump’s wall will not stop right wing domestic terrorist from killing terrorizing more Americans. Where is the outcry for Americans who have been killed or terrorized by right wing domestic terrorist?Trump’s wall will not stop someone with a rope, a ladder or a shovel. Trump’s wall will not stop drugs or smugglers who use underground tunnels, cars, trucks, drones, airplanes or legal ports of entry. Most drugs come in from legal ports of entry Trump wall will stop that. Donald J. Trump is blackmailing congress and the American people he shut down the federal government to make the American people pay for the wall Trump said Mexico would pay for. Donald J. Trump wants Americans taxpayer to pay $60 billion dollars or more for a concrete wall he promised Mexico would pay for. Why would Donald J. Trump and the right wing want to shut down the federal government to make the American people for a wall Trump said Mexico would pay for? Trump and the GOP are going to make the Americans pay for a wall that Trump promised Mexico would pay for. Should the American people pay for a wall that Donald J. Trump promised Mexico would pay for HELL NO. There are better ways to protect our border such as drones, cameras and electronic detection. Don the Con pulled has pulled a bait and switch on the American people Trump and the Republicans are playing the American people for suckers they are going to make the American people pay for the wall that Trump promised Mexico would pay for. Donald J. Trump if you are as rich as you claim to be, you put up the $5 billion and get your money back from Mexico.
Don the Con is a con man, a threat to the free press, free speech, free trade, the rule of law, our democracy and the American way of life..
Don the Con has done it so well his supporters do not realize they been had and the American taxpayer was always going to pay for the wall not Mexico.
Trump is a con man who with the help of Putin and Russia was able to steal the 2016 election. His next book should be called “The Art of the Con”.
Some of the legal issues of Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con). Here you will find a short list of the lawsuits against Donald J. Trump.
By Nick MiroffSAN DIEGO — Smuggling gangs in Mexico have repeatedly sawed through new sections of President Trump’s border wall in recent months by using commercially available power tools, opening gaps large enough for people and drug loads to pass through, according to U.S. agents and officials with knowledge of the damage. The breaches have been made using a popular cordless household tool known as a reciprocating saw that retails at hardware stores for as little as $100. When fitted with specialized blades, the saws can slice through one of the barrier’s steel-and-concrete bollards in minutes, according to the agents, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the barrier-defeating techniques.After cutting through the base of a single bollard, smugglers can push the steel out of the way, creating an adult-size gap. Because the bollards are so tall — and are attached only to a panel at the top — their length makes them easier to push aside once they have been cut and are left dangling, according to engineers consulted by The Washington Post. The taxpayer-funded barrier — so far coming with a $10 billion price tag — was a central theme of Trump’s 2016 campaign, and he has made the project a physical symbol of his presidency, touting its construction progress in speeches, ads and tweets. Trump has increasingly boasted to crowds in recent weeks about the superlative properties of the barrier, calling it “virtually impenetrable” and likening the structure to a “Rolls-Royce” that border crossers cannot get over, under or through. The smuggling crews have been using other techniques, such as building makeshift ladders to scale the barriers, especially in the popular smuggling areas in the San Diego area, according to nearly a dozen U.S. agents and current and former administration officials.
It stretches nearly three-quarters of a mile and is almost 70 feet below the earth from Tijuana to San Diego.By Associated PressSAN DIEGO — U.S. authorities this week announced the discovery of the longest smuggling tunnel ever found on the Southwest border, stretching more than three-quarters of a mile from an industrial site in Tijuana, Mexico, to the San Diego area. The tunnel featured an extensive rail cart system, forced air ventilation, high voltage electrical cables and panels, an elevator at the tunnel entrance and a drainage system. While there were no arrests, no drugs found at the site and no confirmed exit point in the U.S., the length — more than 14 football fields — stunned authorities. "This one blows past (the second-longest)," said Lance LeNoir, a Border Patrol operations supervisor. "We never really thought they had the moxie to go that far. They continue to surprise me." The tunnel exposes limitations of President Donald Trump’s border wall, which stretches several feet underground in the area and is considered effective against small, crudely built tunnels often called "gopher holes." The one announced Wednesday was found about 70 feet underground, well below the wall. Following the discovery in August, Mexican law enforcement identified the entrance and U.S. investigators mapped the tunnel that extends a total of 4,309 feet. The next longest tunnel in the U.S. was discovered in San Diego in 2014. It was 2,966 feet long. The newly discovered tunnel is about 5.5 feet tall and 2 feet wide and runs at an average depth of 70 feet below the surface, officials said. Agents discovered several hundred sandbags blocking a suspected former exit of the tunnel in San Diego's Otay Mesa industrial warehouse area. It went under several warehouses in Otay Mesa, where sophisticated tunnels have typically ended, and extended into open fields.
Meghann Myers and Joe GouldWhile the Trump administration awaits a final decision on a federal lawsuit blocking the use of military construction funds to build a U.S.-Mexico border wall, the White House is planning to re-route more than $3 billion more this year, the Washington Post reported Monday. The plan is to divert $3.7 billion from an account designated for building training centers, schools and other facilities on military bases, according to internal documents leaked to the newspaper. Another $3.5 billion would come from counter-drug operations. Key Republican and Democratic lawmakers were not happy and seemed to be caught off-guard. Neither Senate Appropriations Committee Richard Shelby, R-Ala., nor Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee Chairman John Boozman, R-Ark., appeared to have been given a head’s up by the White House. “I wish they wouldn’t take [wall funding] out of defense. I want to build the wall, I supported direct appropriations for it and fought for it — but we have to evaluate what this does to the military, what it affects, where and how,” Shelby said, adding that nobody should be surprised the administration repeated the tactic, after it worked last year. Boozman said he was reaching out to see if the White House would scale back the number and what the “unintended consequences” might be for moving the money. “The only thing I know about it is what I’ve read, so we are in the process of exploring. I’m certainly very supportive of the wall at the southern border,” Boozman said. “But also I’m very supportive of the fact that our MilCon dollars are underfunded to begin with. Spokesmen for the White House and Defense Department did not immediately respond to Military Times requests for comment. The figure is a $200 million boost from the Pentagon funds the administration used to build the border barriers in 2019, paying for about 885 miles of construction, according to the Post.
By John BurnettThe pricetag for President Trump's border wall has topped $11 billion — or nearly $20 million a mile — to become the most expensive wall of its kind anywhere in the world. In a status report last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which is overseeing wall construction, reported that $11 billion has been identified since Trump took office to construct 576 miles of a new "border wall system." And the Trump administration is on the hunt for funding to build even more. The Department of Homeland Security has asked the Defense Department to come up with money for 270 additional miles of border wall that DHS says is needed to block drug smuggling routes on federal land. The Pentagon is studying the request, which did not come with a dollar figure. If the Trump administration completes all of the wall projects it has set in motion, three-quarters of the U.S. southern border would be walled off from Mexico. The government inherited about 650 miles of border structures erected under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. "You're going to have a wall like no other. It's going to be a powerful, terrific wall," President Trump said at a rally in Milwaukee last week. "A very big and very powerful border wall is going up at a record speed, and we are fully financed now, isn't that nice?"
Newly installed panels on the border wall between California and Mexico fell over on Wednesday. Wind, welcome to the Paul BlestWelcome to the wind resistance. On Wednesday, high winds resulted in several concrete panels on the border wall, which had recently been installed and hadn't fully dried, falling over from the California side into the Mexican side, according to CNN. Police in Mexicali said that the portion of the wall, which is 130 feet long, fell over the border and onto some trees shortly before noon PT Wednesday, according to KYMA. Winds in the area hit as high as 37 mph that day, according to the National Weather Service. Customs and Border Protection agent Carlos Pitones told CNN that the wall sections that toppled had recently been placed in a new concrete foundation, which hadn’t completely set when the wind hit. “We are grateful there was no property damage or injuries," Pitones told CNN. Building a border wall was one of President Donald Trump’s key campaign promises back in 2016, but over the past few years, the issue has been nothing but a headache for the administration. Smugglers have reportedly been using $100 saws to cut through sections of it, while others have figured out how to climb around the wall’s “anti-climb panels,” Trump administration officials and agents told the Washington Post last November. Earlier this month, the administration announced it had crossed the threshold of more than a hundred miles of wall being built. At least 90 of those miles were replacing existing wall, although officials continue to insist that’s “new wall.”
By Nick MiroffNACO, Ariz. — President Trump's border wall probably will require the installation of hundreds of storm gates to prevent flash floods from undermining or knocking it over, gates that must be left open for months every summer during "monsoon season" in the desert, according to U.S. border officials, agents and engineers familiar with the plans. The open, unmanned gates in remote areas already have allowed for the easy entry of smugglers and migrants into the United States. At locations along the U.S. southern border where such gates already are in operation, Border Patrol agents must manually raise them every year before the arrival of the summer thunderstorms that convert riverbeds into raging torrents that carry massive amounts of water and debris, including sediment, rocks, tree limbs and vegetation. Trump's wall, which features 30-foot metal bollards spaced four inches apart, effectively acts as a sewer grate that traps the debris; when clogged, the barriers cannot withstand the power of the runoff. Because the gates typically are located in isolated areas that lack electricity, they cannot be operated from afar. That requires the Border Patrol to leave the gates open for months, increasing the need for U.S. agents to monitor the sites because smugglers and other border-crossers can enter through the large gaps and advance northward following stream channels and narrow canyons to avoid detection.
Smugglers have found that all you need to cut through the wall is a $100 saw.By Catherine KimPresident Donald Trump promised a wall on the border would radically change undocumented immigration and customs enforcement. But it turns out newly built sections of the president’s wall aren’t as sturdy as he promised: Smugglers have been using a commercial saw to cut through it, according to the Washington Post. Smuggling people and goods into the US is a profitable industry for criminal organizations, which is why they are motivated to innovate when it comes to breaching barriers. Of late, smugglers have reportedly been cutting through the wall — which is made of steel bollards that are partially filled with concrete — to make gaps large enough for people and goods to pass through.To do so, smugglers are reportedly using a reciprocating saw that can be bought for as little as $100. The tool can cut through the wall’s steel and concrete in minutes when fitted with the appropriate blades, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents have said. After cutting the steel bollards, smugglers have taken to returning them to their original positions in hope of reusing the passage without being detected by border officials.Agents now reportedly patrol the wall in search of defects, which are mended. However, those repaired sections of wall are prime targets for smugglers, as it is easier to cut through the welded metal than it is to make new cuts. And the repair policy has also been targeted by smugglers who attempt to fool agents into believing a severed bollard has been fixed by applying putty to the site of the cut. All of this should be unsurprising to the Trump administration. NBC News has reported border barrier prototypes tested in 2017 were found to be vulnerable to reciprocating saws. At the time, CBP spokesman Ralph DeSio argued that no wall, however well designed, would be impenetrable.That didn’t stop Trump from touting the wall as “virtually impenetrable” when he visited a construction site close to San Diego in September, according to NBC News. At the time, he said the wall — which has cost roughly $10 billion so far and has been mostly funded by taxpayers — would successfully block human traffickers from entering the US. He added that not even world class climbers would be able to scale the structure, especially because the materials that comprise it would become too hot to hold in the desert sun. Yet smugglers have also found ways of climbing the wall. A method that involves using rebar ladders to scale one side and rope ladders to descend the other has become especially popular near San Diego, despite the risk of falling from the height of a three-story-building (the barrier can be up to 30 feet tall).It is unclear how many breaches there have been so far because the US government has yet to disclose any incidents. Some officials who spoke to The Washington Post anonymously played down the situation, saying there had been only “a few instances” and the wall has “significantly increased security and deterrence.” Full Story
The Trump administration has started the arduous process of canceling $3.6 billion in military construction projects to fund its plans to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Defense Secretary Mark Esper began notifying lawmakers Tuesday which projects will be canceled in their districts. Top Democrats immediately blasted the plan. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., was among the first lawmakers to say his district will be impacted by the funding cuts, for the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. "This decision will harm already planned, important projects intended to support our service members at military installations in New York, across the United States, and around the world," Schumer said. "It is a slap in the face to the members of the Armed Forces who serve our country that President Trump is willing to cannibalize already allocated military funding to boost his own ego and for a wall he promised Mexico would pay to build." - Taxpayer money diverted from military projects to pay for the border wall that Trump said Mexico would pay for.
By Julia AinsleyWord is spreading that migrants now have to wait months in dangerous Mexican border cities before asking for asylum at a legal port of entry. WASHINGTON — Undocumented immigrants are increasingly choosing to cross the U.S. border illegally rather than waiting in line to claim asylum at legal ports of entry, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by NBC News. Immigration lawyers and rights advocates say asylum seekers are opting for illegal crossing because they are growing frustrated with waiting lines caused by Trump administration policies. Advocates say immigrants who might otherwise have presented themselves at legal ports are now going between entry points where, if caught, they can remain in the country while awaiting an asylum hearing. In recent months, CBP has restricted the number of immigrants who can be processed for asylum at ports of entry and has begun turning back asylum seekers, who must now wait in Mexico while their cases are decided. CBP data shows that at the same time, the proportion of immigrants caught crossing illegally rather than through legal ports of entry has been rising. It climbed from 73 percent of border crossings between October 2017 and January to 2018 to 83 percent for the same period ending this January 31. The percentage reporting to legal ports of entry, meanwhile, dropped from 27 percent to 17 percent, even as the overall number of border crossings rose sharply, according to the data. An official from the Department of Homeland Security, of which CBP is a part, said those abandoning legal entry points may not have legitimate asylum claims. "The fact that illegitimate asylum seekers may be abandoning efforts at our [ports of entry] means that legitimate asylum seekers at the [ports of entry] can receive protections far more quickly — which has been our goal from the start," said the DHS official. The department declined to comment on the record.
By Michelle MarkAmid the ongoing debate over whether to fund President Donald Trump's border wall to the tune of $5.7 billion, experts and industry leaders say there's a far more effective technology — at a fraction of the price. Fiber-optic cables have been previously tested at the US-Mexico border, and can detect a range of intrusions — from animals, to people, to vehicles — and determine their exact location. One Texas lawmaker, Rep. Will Hurd, has been arguing for years that stretching a fiber optic cable "from sea to shining sea" would do far more to secure the border than physical barriers. Even though the technology has been around for years, and is ready to be deployed, the US government has been slow to adopt it. Roughly 10 years ago, a bizarre parade of animals, people, and vehicles lined up in the middle of the Sonoran Desert to trot, walk, and drive over a 100-foot cable stretched out across the dirt by a team of scientists. By the University of Arizona researchers' accounts, the experiment was a resounding success, heralding a new frontier in border-security technology. A fiber-optic cable installed in the loose, sandy soil could tell precisely what was moving above it — be it a 200-pound man, a group of people concealed in a cloud of dust from a passing car, a wandering dog, or a pair of cantering horses. "At the time, there was a lot of interest from the federal government," Moe Momayez, an associate professor of mining and geological engineering, told INSIDER. "But like anything else, it just dies off."
By Lee MoranDonald Trump’s top aide did it inadvertently on Twitter. Kellyanne Conway inadvertently made a strong case for not building President Donald Trump’s proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall on Thursday, according to dozens of Twitter users. The apparent self-own came as Conway, a White House counselor to the president, celebrated the largest seizure of fentanyl in the history of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency with this tweet: “Our border patrol is amazing,” Conway wrote, hailing the bust. “They deserve more respect, more resources.” However, the 250 pounds of the deadly drug in pill form was discovered inside a truck carrying cucumbers at a border checkpoint in Nogales, Arizona — and not in an unmanned area of the border, across which Trump wants to build a barrier. It was a distinction that many tweeters were quick to highlight to the presidential aide. Others also pointed out the fact to Trump:
By Linda Qiu, Michael TackettEven as he agreed to reopen the government, the president used recycled inaccurate claims to press his case for a wall. President Trump has addressed the nation in prime time from the Oval Office, delivered remarks from the Rose Garden, met with Democrats in the Situation Room and traveled to the border with Mexico to make his case that the government would not reopen unless he got funding for a border wall. Thirty-five days into the shutdown, the president announced on Friday from the Rose Garden that the government would reopen until at least Feb. 15, giving Congress time to work out a deal on border security. He did not get any funding for a wall. And on Friday, he did not advance any new arguments for building one. In fact, many of the claims he made were recycled heavily from previous comments and contained many of the same misstatements and exaggerations. Also notable was something Mr. Trump did not say, namely that Mexico would pay for the wall, one of the most often repeated, and unsupported, claims he has made on the border funding dispute. Mr. Trump continued to inflate figures about crime and drugs. The essence of Mr. Trump’s pitch for a border wall — that a porous border had led to a crime and drug epidemic — remained unchanged. Last year, he said, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement “removed 10,000 known or suspected gang members like MS-13 and members as bad as them.” (This is exaggerated; the agency reported it had removed 5,872 “known or suspected” gang members in the 2018 fiscal year.)
By Robert FarleyPresident Donald Trump falsely claimed that El Paso went from “one of the most dangerous cities in the country to one of the safest cities in the country overnight” after “a wall was put up” along the Mexico border. Here are the facts: El Paso has never been “one of the most dangerous cities in the country.” The city had the third lowest violent crime rate among 35 U.S. cities with a population over 500,000 in 2005, 2006 and 2007 – before construction of a 57-mile-long fence started in mid-2008. There was no “overnight” drop in violent crimes in El Paso after “a wall was put up.” In fact, the city’s violent crime rate increased 5.5 percent from 2007 to 2010 — the years before and after construction of the fence, which was completed in mid-2009. Along with the rest of the country, El Paso’s violent crime rate spiked in the early 1990s and has been trending downward ever since. The city’s violent crime rate dropped 62 percent from its peak in 1993 to 2007, a year before construction on the fence began. The president, who is locked in a budget standoff with Congress over funding for his border wall, made his remarks about El Paso during a Jan. 14 speech at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual convention in Louisiana. Trump pointed to the border city as an example of the impact that a wall can have on crime.
By Kristine PhillipsOne tunnel is about 50 feet long, unfinished, and stretches across two countries. It starts along the drainage channels that a U.S. border town shares with Mexico, and abruptly ends underneath a parking lot in Arizona. Another one runs about 80 feet, also unfinished. Its opening was found inside an abandoned store in the Mexican border city of Nogales. A third one is about 30 feet, also found somewhere in Nogales, though it’s unclear where it starts or ends. These tunnels, which authorities suspect were built to smuggle illegal contraband or people across the border, were found within the past month, as President Trump continues to demand $5.7 billion to build a border wall between the United States and Mexico. The stalemate over Trump’s signature campaign promise has resulted in what is now the longest government shutdown in the country’s history, leaving thousands of federal workers without pay. The president has argued that building physical barriers would stave off illegal immigration and drug trafficking into the United States. But experts say these tunnels reaffirm a reality at the southern border: Drugs are trafficked into the country through multiple channels, including underground. A physical barrier, whether it’s fencing, steel slats or a concrete wall, would keep out people who are willing to play by the rules. But for those who aren’t or can’t afford to, walls are mere temporary inconveniences, said David Shirk, an international relations professor at the University of San Diego.
By Matt GutmanThe largest single group of asylum seekers ever to cross into the U.S. tunneled beneath the border wall near San Luis, Arizona, on Monday, voluntarily turning themselves into Customs and Border Protection, according to the agency. Migrants can be seen marching toward Border Patrol agents by the hundreds, according to video obtained by ABC News. Smugglers dug a series of seven holes, only a few feet long beneath the steel border fence, with hundreds going beneath the wall and a smaller number clambering over it, according to CBP. The fresh sand and scuff marks of shoes on the rusty steel were still there when ABC News visited the site on Thursday. The agency says 179 of the record 376 people who crossed were children, including over 30 unaccompanied minors -- children under 18 traveling on their own. The overall number of unauthorized crossings has plummeted since its peak in the 2001, when CBP logged about 1.6 million apprehensions, according to government statistics. However, the demography of those crossing has changed dramatically. Parents with children now comprise over 80 percent of the total apprehensions of those crossing the 2,000-mile long border with Mexico. The vast majority of them, like the group near Yuma Monday, surrender immediately or seek out Border Patrol agents in order to begin the asylum process.
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