Donald J. Trump is a Threat to DemocracyDonald J. Trump (aka Don the Con, aka Don the Snake, aka Two face Donnie, aka The Don) is the most serious threat America has ever faced. Trump is attacking the free press, our Justice department our, Intelligence agencies, our Democracy and the rule of law in an attempt to protect himself from prosecution. Trump’s attacks will have long lasting and detrimental effects on America, Americans and Americas standing in the world. Trump praises Putin while attacking Americans, our Justice department our, Intelligence agencies, our Democracy and the rule of law. Trump believes what Putin says over what our Intelligence agencies have said about Russian interference in to ther2016 election. Trump refuses to accept our Intelligence agencies assessment that Russian interfered in the 2016 election. Trump makes excuses for Russia by blaming everyone except Russia. Trump is the only American president in history who trusts a hostel adversary over American Intelligence agencies. That alone should make you question whom Trump is loyal to and where Trump loyalty stands. Trump refuses to allow Americans in the room when he meets with Putin and other Russians; no American president has ever done that. Trump gave top-secret information to the Russian ambassador no American president would ever done that. We do not know what or how much top-secret information Trump may have given Putin since no Americans were in the room. If Clinton or anyone else had done what Trump has done, they would be branded a traitor. Trump and Republicans would be the first to call them out if they were democrats or non-Republicans. Trump and the Republicans are hypocrites they are doing far worse things than what they warned Democrats would do. Republicans in congress are actively helping Trump and refuse to investigate Russian collusion in the 2016 election the same way they investigated Clinton and Benghazi.Trump expects loyal to him above country that is un-presidential and un-American. Patriots put loyal to country above loyal above to a person or a party, people who put loyally to the president or party above country are not patriots they are traitors. Trump is trying to get rid of Attorney General Jeff Sessions so he can get an Attorney General that will be loyal to him above country and stop the Mueller investigation. Trump is doing everything he can that includes but not limited to attacking our justice department, the FBI and our intelligence agencies, requesting the justice department stop the investigation in to his campaign and himself and investigate other people he believes are against him. No man is above the law and that includes the president. The president of the United States cannot stop and investigation in to himself nor can he use the justice department to investigate people he does not like or people who he believes are his enemies. Trump is willing to use the power of the presidency and government agencies to attack people he does not like or people he feels may have slighted him in some way. Trump wants to take away our first amendment by sending the justice department to investigate people who criticize him. People have the right to criticizes elected officials including the president it is called the first amendment. Americans need to wake up and vote out Trump and his enablers the republican party before they turn our country in to a third world country with a dictator in charge were you go to jail when you exercise your first amendment right to free speech.A. B. Man III
More on the threat Donald J. Trump is to America
America has never faced a greater threat to national security than Donald J. Trump. Republicans called out Hillary for her handling of classified material but Trump is far worse than Hillary when it comes to national security. Trump disclosed classified information to the Russians. We know what Trump has disclosed in public but we do not know what he has said in private. We do not know what classified secrets Trump may have given to the Russians or others in his private conversations and that should scare the hell out of you. Find out for yourself how great a threat to national security Donald J. Trump is.
Donald J. Trump is the greatest threat America has ever faced. Before the election Donald J. Trump claimed the election would be rigged and he claimed if he did not win, it was rigged. Because someone loses and election does not mean it is rigged only someone attempting to steal and election would say that. Donald J. Trump is the one who tried to rig the election first he tried to slow down the mail so that democratic votes would not be counted when that failed he tried to get the courts to overthrow the election and give it to him. When the courts refused to help him with his coup attempt Trump tried to get state governments to overturn the election. When the courts and the states refused to help in his coup attempt he tried to House and Senate members to help in him in his coup attempt. Some in the House and the Senate tried to help in in that coup attempt.
Story by Michael GerhardtYou can tell a lot about presidents from their constitutional rhetoric and actions. Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt excelled in fashioning compelling visions of the Constitution and constitutional ideals. Lincoln urged his fellow Americans to act in accordance with “the better angels of our nature” rather than give into the temptation of dividing the nation irreparably, while Roosevelt assured the nation that “the only thing to fear is fear itself” and pledged a “New Deal” to restore the American dream. In 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt told Congress: “No man is above the law and no man is below, nor do we ask for any man’s permission when we require him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor.”Donald Trump is a different story. During his four years as President, he proclaimed that he had “total authority” to do whatever he wanted to do. That he was immune from any civil or criminal process for anything he did as President, that he was entitled to defy lawful congressional subpoenas without any sanction, that he could not obstruct the law since he was the law himself, and that he had the power to pardon himself. Perhaps most egregiously, he declared that he was exercising his official powers as President when he urged a mob “to take back their country” on Jan. 6, culminating in unprecedented violence and damage at the Capitol.
Opinion by Dave CaudillTo borrow part of a phrase from a well-loved former Cincinnati radio personality: Wake up … Republicans. The great Gary Burbank had an infectious sense of humor. He knew what was funny and what wasn’t.Here’s something not funny: In a Quinnipiac University poll released Nov. 15, a majority of registered voters (52%) said they'd like to see other candidates enter the presidential race. An astounding 72% of independents said this, along with 58% of Democrats. That’s disconcerting, considering that barring unforeseen circumstances, President Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee.
By Melanie Zanona, CNN(CNN) GOP Rep. Liz Cheney delivered a searing rebuke of former President Donald Trump and GOP leaders at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Wednesday night, recounting some of the damning details that the House select committee investigating January 6, 2021, has uncovered thus far and praising the bravery of witnesses -- particularly the young female aides -- who have come forward to aid its investigation. "We are confronting a domestic threat that we have never faced before -- and that is a former President who is attempting to unravel the foundations of our constitutional Republic," said Cheney, the vice chair of the House committee. "And he is aided by Republican leaders and elected officials who have made themselves willing hostages to this dangerous and irrational man." The congresswoman's blistering critique of Trump comes as the former President is reportedly weighing the launch of another presidential bid, potentially before the midterms. Cheney, a Wyoming Republican facing a Trump-backed primary challenger later this summer, acknowledged that it would certainly be an "easier path" to just look away. But she also said everyone has a responsibility to confront the threat to democracy that is posed by Trump.
By Maegan Vazquez, Clare Foran and Kate Sullivan, CNN(CNN) President Joe Biden on Thursday marked the first anniversary of the January 6 insurrection by forcefully calling out former President Donald Trump for attempting to undo American democracy, saying such an insurrection must never happen again. Biden vowed to defend the nation's founding ideals from the threats posed by the violent mob that stormed the Capitol one year ago and the prevailing lies that Trump and his allies continue to repeat about the 2020 election. An animated Biden made one of the most passionate addresses of his still-young presidency as he harkened back to critical moments from the nation's past, casting the assault as a living symbol of the inflection point in American history he so often speaks about."For the first time in our history, a President had not just lost an election. He tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power as a violent mob reached the Capitol," Biden said in a speech from the US Capitol that lasted just under 30 minutes. "But they failed. They failed. And on this day of remembrance, we must make sure that such an attack never, never happens again." In a direct shot at Trump, Biden added, "His bruised ego matters more to him than our democracy or our Constitution, he can't accept he lost." more...
CNN political analyst and renowned Watergate reporter, Carl Bernstein, calls former President Donald Trump "the most evil force in the White House that we have ever seen." video...
By John Fritze and David Jackson, USA TODAYWASHINGTON – President Donald Trump dismissed concerns Wednesday – including from some GOP lawmakers – about protecting the identity of a whistleblower at the center of allegations that he pressured Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden. Asked about those concerns Trump responded: "I don't care." Trump, who has repeatedly questioned the legitimacy of the unnamed person who filed a complaint about Trump's phone call with Ukrainian leaders, said "a whistleblower should be protected if the whistleblower's legitimate." The whistleblower’s report is at the heart of the impeachment investigation of Trump at the House of Representatives. The complaint filed Aug. 12 alleged Trump abused the power of his office when he urged Ukraine's president to gather dirt on Biden. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, a co-founder of the Senate Whistleblower Caucus, said on Tuesday that the whistleblower deserves to be heard and protected. “We should always work to respect whistleblowers’ requests for confidentiality,” Grassley said. Trump, in a combative mood on the issue after several days of more subdued messaging, also repeated his attacks on House Democrats, including Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. and the chair of the House Intelligence Committee. Trump said Schiff couldn't carry Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's "blank strap," apparently a reference to a "jockstrap." Earlier, Trump blasted a tweet storm minutes after a Democratic news conference, condemning impeachment as an attempt to force him from office that will damage the country. Trump challenged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's stated desire to work on trade and drug prices, saying Democrats are obsessed with impeachment. Pelosi is "incapable" of working on other issues, the president wrote. "It is just camouflage for trying to win an election through impeachment. The Do Nothing Democrats are stuck in mud!" more... - Trump is willing to put someone’s life in jeopardy to protect himself. Trump may not care but it is the law you cannot go after whistleblowers. Trump has once again shows us he does care about our laws when it comes to himself.
America has never faced a greater threat to national security than Donald J. Trump. Republicans called out Hillary for her handling of classified material but Trump is far worse than Hillary when it comes to national security. Trump disclosed classified information to the Russians. We know what Trump has disclosed in public but we do not know what he has said in private. We do not know what classified secrets Trump may have given to the Russians or others in his private conversations and that should scare the hell out of you. Find out for yourself how great a threat to national security Donald J. Trump is.
Donald J. Trump has committed abuse of power, high crimes and misdemeanors this page is dedicated to tracking the impeachment inquiry of Donald J. Trump.
Donald J. Trump, his son and an unknown number of people from the Trump campaign may have conspired (colluded) with the Russians to help elect Donald J. Trump.
Donald J. Trump may have used the powers of the presidency to bully Ukraine into digging up damaging information on a political rival, Democrat Joe Biden.
This page is dedicated to Donald J. Trump's (aka Don the Con) time in the White House and the ups, the downs, the chaos, the destruction, the devastation and the hatred created by Donald J. Trump. Find out about the ups, the downs, the chaos, the destruction, the devastation and the hatred created by Donald J. Trump.
The Donald J. Trump administration will go down as the worse, most corrupt, comprised and dishonest administration in American history.
There may be no one more crooked or corrupt than Donald J. Trump. Trump is making a profit at the expense of the American taxpayer. Trump is greedy con man who does not care about America or the American people, but he does want their money. Trump only cares about himself and how much money he can put in his pockets. He does not care where the money comes from the American taxpayer or foreign money he just wants money. Now we know why he refused to divest, Trump wanted to use the power of the presidency to put money in his pockets. Below you can find some examples of how crooked and corrupt Trump is using taxpayer dollars to prop up his properties and accepting foreign governments spending at Trump properties wishing to gain favor with Trump.
The EPA under Trump has reduced or removed protections that protect our lands, our air and or water this will have long-term consequences for future generations.Here you can find out for yourself how bad it could get for the air you breathe and the water you drink and how many Americans could die.
Hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump vs Donald J. Trump what Donald J. Trump said vs what Donald J. Trump said. Trump is a liar, a bully, a con man, a crook and a fraud. Find out how much of a hypocrite and liar Donald J. Trump is.
Donald J. Trump’s Changing Positions Over The Years, what Donald J. Trump said vs Donald J. Trump said.
Some of the legal issues of Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con). Here you can find a short list of the lawsuits against Donald J. Trump.
Tracking the Mueller investigation into how the Russians infiltrated the Trump campaign and conspired with the Trump campaign to help Donald J. Trump.
By Bart Jansen and Kevin Johnson, USA TODAYWASHINGTON – After President Donald Trump said Monday he is trying to find out who reported concerns about his Ukraine phone call, whistleblower advocates said that person must be protected from retaliation and should be allowed to remain anonymous. Trump told reporters in the Oval Office on Monday that “we’re trying to find out ” who the whistleblower is. He reiterated that his July 25 call to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was “perfect,” despite asking his counterpart to investigate his political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden. On Thursday, Trump was recorded telling a group that the whistleblower should be punished, noting that “spies and treason” in the past were handled “a little differently than we do now.” Mandy Smithberger, director of the Center for Defense Information at the Project on Government Oversight, called Trump’s apparent desire to unmask the whistleblower “horrific and chilling.” “It’s the last thing a president should be doing if he really wanted to root out waste, fraud and abuse,” she said. Andrew Bakaj, a former CIA officer who is representing the whistleblower, tweeted Monday that the person “is entitled to anonymity. Law and policy support this and the individual is not to be retaliated against. Doing so is a violation of federal law.” John Kostyack, executive director of the National Whistleblower Center, said “threats of reprisals by the president and his allies against the intelligence community whistleblower are contrary to our nation’s core ideal of freedom of speech.” “If we want to know about lawbreaking, we need to gather evidence from the people who have it," Kostyack said. "Any time we send a message that they are going to be punished, we are essentially discouraging people who have this evidence from stepping forward. We need them. We need whistleblowers." The whistleblower’s complaint is at the heart of the impeachment investigation of Trump at the House of Representatives. The complaint was filed Aug. 12 with the inspector general for the intelligence community, Michael Atkinson. The complaint reported the “urgent concern” that alleged Trump was abusing the power of his office to urge Ukraine to gather dirt on Biden. more...
By Igor DeryshHidden report shows white supremacists were responsible for every race-based domestic terror attack in 2018. The Justice Department suppressed a report showing that suspected white supremacists were responsible for all race-based domestic terror incidents last year. The report by New Jersey’s Office of Homeland Security Preparedness was distributed throughout DHS and to federal agencies like the FBI earlier this year before it was obtained by Yahoo News. The document includes data Congress has sought from the Trump administration but the Justice Department has been “unable or unwilling” to provide. The report shows that 25 of 46 suspects in 32 domestic terrorism incidents were identified as white supremacists. The 25 suspected white supremacist suspects were responsible for all “race-based” incidents while others were deemed “anti-government extremists” and “single-issue extremists.” “This map reflects 32 domestic terrorist attacks, disrupted plots, threats of violence, and weapons stockpiling by individuals with a radical political or social agenda who lack direction or influence from foreign terrorist organizations in 2018,” the report said. The map and data in the document were circulated through the DOJ and law enforcement agencies in April, which is around the time that the Senate Judiciary Committee requested the DOJ provide data showing the number of white supremacists involved in domestic terrorism. Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., told Yahoo News that the committee still has not received the data. “I’m troubled by the lack of transparency, given that we haven’t received this critical information after several requests to the FBI and DOJ,” Booker said. “They cannot and should not remain silent in the face of such a dangerous threat.” - The DOJ under Trump is protecting white supremacists no wonder they like Trump.
Donald J. Trump News
Looking for more information on Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con, aka Don the Snake, aka Two face Donnie, aka The Don, aka Criminal Don). Here you can find information on lawsuits against Trump, Trump’s time is the white house, Trump Administration scandals and corruption, Trump before the white house, Trump’s Enablers, Flunkies, Minions and Sycophants, Trump Impeachments, Trump Insurrection, Trump Insurrection Videos, Trump Is a Crook, Trump Is Threat To National Security, Trump Russia Affair, Trump-Ukraine Affair, Trump vs. Trump, how Trump runs his properties and more. Find out if Trump is filling his pockets with foreign money and your tax dollars. Find out if Trump is a good a businessman or a bad businessman and how viral, nasty and disgusting Trump properties are. Find out if Trump is a crook and/or a conman. Find out if Trump lies about his lies and more.The more you know the better informed you will be to make your own determination on the real Donald J. Trump (aka Don the Con, aka Don the Snake, aka Two face Donnie, aka The Don, aka Criminal Don). Find out all you can about Donald J. Trump, for some you may find he is not the man you thought he was, for others you may be proven right, for others you may find he is far worse than you thought he was.

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